Source code for easycv.apis.export

# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
import copy
import json
import logging
import pickle
from collections import OrderedDict
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as t_f
from mmcv.utils import Config

from easycv.file import io
from easycv.framework.errors import NotImplementedError, ValueError
from easycv.models import (DINO, MOCO, SWAV, YOLOX, BEVFormer, Classification,
                           MoBY, SkeletonGCN, TopDown, build_model)
from easycv.utils.checkpoint import load_checkpoint
from easycv.utils.misc import encode_str_to_tensor

__all__ = [

[docs]def export(cfg, ckpt_path, filename, model=None, **kwargs): """ export model for inference Args: cfg: Config object ckpt_path (str): path to checkpoint file filename (str): filename to save exported models model (nn.module): model instance """ if hasattr(cfg.model, 'pretrained'): logging.warning( 'Export needs to set model.pretrained to false to avoid hanging during distributed training' ) cfg.model.pretrained = False if model is None: model = build_model(cfg.model) if ckpt_path != 'dummy': load_checkpoint(model, ckpt_path, map_location='cpu') else: if hasattr(cfg.model, 'backbone') and hasattr(cfg.model.backbone, 'pretrained'): logging.warning( 'Export needs to set model.backbone.pretrained to false to avoid hanging during distributed training' ) cfg.model.backbone.pretrained = False if isinstance(model, MOCO) or isinstance(model, DINO): _export_moco(model, cfg, filename, **kwargs) elif isinstance(model, MoBY): _export_moby(model, cfg, filename, **kwargs) elif isinstance(model, SWAV): _export_swav(model, cfg, filename, **kwargs) elif isinstance(model, Classification): _export_cls(model, cfg, filename, **kwargs) elif isinstance(model, YOLOX): _export_yolox(model, cfg, filename, **kwargs) elif isinstance(model, BEVFormer): _export_bevformer(model, cfg, filename, **kwargs) elif isinstance(model, TopDown): _export_pose_topdown(model, cfg, filename, **kwargs) elif isinstance(model, SkeletonGCN): _export_stgcn(model, cfg, filename, **kwargs) elif hasattr(cfg, 'export') and getattr(cfg.export, 'use_jit', False): export_jit_model(model, cfg, filename, **kwargs) return else: _export_common(model, cfg, filename, **kwargs)
def _export_common(model, cfg, filename): """ export model, add cfg dict to checkpoint['meta']['config'] without process Args: model (nn.Module): model to be exported cfg: Config object filename (str): filename to save exported models """ if not hasattr(cfg, 'test_pipeline'): logging.warning('`test_pipeline` not found in export model config!') # meta config is type of mmcv.Config, to keep the original config type # json will dump int as str if isinstance(cfg, Config): cfg = cfg._cfg_dict meta = dict(config=cfg) checkpoint = dict( state_dict=model.state_dict(), meta=meta, author='EvTorch') with, 'wb') as ofile:, ofile) def _export_jit_and_blade(model, cfg, filename, dummy_inputs, fp16=False): def _trace_model(): with torch.no_grad(): if hasattr(model, 'forward_export'): model.forward = model.forward_export else: model.forward = model.forward_test trace_model = torch.jit.trace( model, copy.deepcopy(dummy_inputs), strict=False, check_trace=False) return trace_model export_type = cfg.export.get('type') if export_type in ['jit', 'blade']: if fp16: with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): trace_model = _trace_model() else: trace_model = _trace_model(), filename + '.jit') else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Not support export type {export_type}!') if export_type == 'jit': return blade_config = cfg.export.get('blade_config') from easycv.toolkit.blade import blade_env_assert, blade_optimize assert blade_env_assert() def _get_blade_model(): blade_model = blade_optimize( speed_test_model=model, model=trace_model, inputs=copy.deepcopy(dummy_inputs), blade_config=blade_config, static_opt=False, min_num_nodes=None, check_inputs=False, fp16=fp16) return blade_model # optimize model with blade if fp16: with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): blade_model = _get_blade_model() else: blade_model = _get_blade_model() with + '.blade', 'wb') as ofile:, ofile) def _export_cls(model, cfg, filename): """ export cls (cls & metric learning)model and preprocess config Args: model (nn.Module): model to be exported cfg: Config object filename (str): filename to save exported models """ if hasattr(cfg, 'export'): export_cfg = cfg.export else: export_cfg = dict(export_neck=False) export_neck = export_cfg.get('export_neck', True) label_map_path = cfg.get('label_map_path', None) class_list = None if label_map_path is not None: class_list = elif hasattr(cfg, 'class_list'): class_list = cfg.class_list elif hasattr(cfg, 'CLASSES'): class_list = cfg.CLASSES model_config = dict( type='Classification', backbone=replace_syncbn(cfg.model.backbone), ) # avoid load pretrained model model_config['pretrained'] = False if export_neck: if hasattr(cfg.model, 'neck'): model_config['neck'] = cfg.model.neck if hasattr(cfg.model, 'head'): model_config['head'] = cfg.model.head else: print("this cls model doesn't contain cls head, we add a dummy head!") model_config['head'] = head = dict( type='ClsHead', with_avg_pool=True, in_channels=model_config['backbone'].get('num_classes', 2048), num_classes=1000, ) img_norm_cfg = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) if hasattr(cfg, 'test_pipeline'): test_pipeline = cfg.test_pipeline for pipe in test_pipeline: if pipe['type'] == 'Collect': pipe['keys'] = ['img'] else: test_pipeline = [ dict(type='Resize', size=[224, 224]), dict(type='ToTensor'), dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg), dict(type='Collect', keys=['img']) ] config = dict( model=model_config, test_pipeline=test_pipeline, class_list=class_list, ) meta = dict(config=json.dumps(config)) state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in model.state_dict().items(): if k.startswith('backbone'): state_dict[k] = v if export_neck and (k.startswith('neck') or k.startswith('head')): state_dict[k] = v checkpoint = dict(state_dict=state_dict, meta=meta, author='EasyCV') with, 'wb') as ofile:, ofile) def _export_yolox(model, cfg, filename): """ export cls (cls & metric learning)model and preprocess config Args: model (nn.Module): model to be exported cfg: Config object filename (str): filename to save exported models """ if hasattr(cfg, 'export'): export_type = getattr(cfg.export, 'export_type', 'raw') default_export_type_list = ['raw', 'jit', 'blade', 'onnx'] if export_type not in default_export_type_list: logging.warning( 'YOLOX-PAI only supports the export type as [raw,jit,blade,onnx], otherwise we use raw as default' ) export_type = 'raw' model.export_type = export_type if export_type != 'raw': from easycv.utils.misc import reparameterize_models # only when we use jit or blade, we need to reparameterize_models before export model = reparameterize_models(model) device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' model = copy.deepcopy(model) preprocess_jit = cfg.export.get('preprocess_jit', False) batch_size = cfg.export.get('batch_size', 1) static_opt = cfg.export.get('static_opt', True) use_trt_efficientnms = cfg.export.get('use_trt_efficientnms', False) # assert image scale and assgin input img_scale = cfg.get('img_scale', (640, 640)) assert ( len(img_scale) == 2 ), 'Export YoloX predictor config contains img_scale must be (int, int) tuple!' input = 255 * torch.rand((batch_size, 3) + tuple(img_scale)) # assert use_trt_efficientnms only happens when static_opt=True if static_opt is not True: assert ( use_trt_efficientnms == False ), 'Export YoloX predictor use_trt_efficientnms=True only when use static_opt=True!' # allow to save a preprocess jit model with exported model save_preprocess_jit = False if preprocess_jit: save_preprocess_jit = True # set model use_trt_efficientnms if use_trt_efficientnms: from easycv.toolkit.blade import create_tensorrt_efficientnms if hasattr(model, 'get_nmsboxes_num'): nmsbox_num = int(model.get_nmsboxes_num(img_scale)) else: logging.warning( 'PAI-YOLOX: use_trt_efficientnms encounter model has no attr named get_nmsboxes_num, use 8400 (80*80+40*40+20*20)cas default!' ) nmsbox_num = 8400 tmp_example_scores = torch.randn( [batch_size, nmsbox_num, 4 + 1 + len(cfg.CLASSES)], dtype=torch.float32) logging.warning( 'PAI-YOLOX: use_trt_efficientnms with staic shape [{}, {}, {}]' .format(batch_size, nmsbox_num, 4 + 1 + len(cfg.CLASSES))) model.trt_efficientnms = create_tensorrt_efficientnms( tmp_example_scores, iou_thres=model.nms_thre, score_thres=model.test_conf) model.use_trt_efficientnms = True model.eval() model_export = ModelExportWrapper( model,, trace_model=True, ) model_export.eval().to(device) # trace model yolox_trace = torch.jit.trace(model_export, # save export model if export_type == 'blade': blade_config = cfg.export.get( 'blade_config', dict(enable_fp16=True, fp16_fallback_op_ratio=0.3)) from easycv.toolkit.blade import blade_env_assert, blade_optimize assert blade_env_assert() # optimize model with blade yolox_blade = blade_optimize( speed_test_model=model, model=yolox_trace, inputs=(, ), blade_config=blade_config, static_opt=static_opt) with + '.blade', 'wb') as ofile:, ofile) with + '.blade.config.json', 'w') as ofile: config = dict( model=cfg.model, export=cfg.export, test_pipeline=cfg.test_pipeline, classes=cfg.CLASSES) json.dump(config, ofile) if export_type == 'onnx': with filename + '.config.json' if filename.endswith('onnx') else filename + '.onnx.config.json', 'w') as ofile: config = dict( model=cfg.model, export=cfg.export, test_pipeline=cfg.test_pipeline, classes=cfg.CLASSES) json.dump(config, ofile) torch.onnx.export( model,, filename if filename.endswith('onnx') else filename + '.onnx', export_params=True, opset_version=12, do_constant_folding=True, input_names=['input'], output_names=['output'], ) if export_type == 'jit': with + '.jit', 'wb') as ofile:, ofile) with + '.jit.config.json', 'w') as ofile: config = dict( model=cfg.model, export=cfg.export, test_pipeline=cfg.test_pipeline, classes=cfg.CLASSES) json.dump(config, ofile) # save export preprocess/postprocess if save_preprocess_jit: tpre_input = 255 * torch.rand((batch_size, ) + img_scale + (3, )) tpre = ProcessExportWrapper(, process_fn=PreProcess( target_size=img_scale, keep_ratio=True)) tpre.eval().to(device) preprocess = torch.jit.script(tpre) with + '.preprocess', 'wb') as prefile:, prefile) else: if hasattr(cfg, 'test_pipeline'): # with last pipeline Collect test_pipeline = cfg.test_pipeline print(test_pipeline) else: print('test_pipeline not found, using default preprocessing!') raise ValueError('export model config without test_pipeline') config = dict( model=cfg.model, test_pipeline=test_pipeline, CLASSES=cfg.CLASSES, ) meta = dict(config=json.dumps(config)) checkpoint = dict( state_dict=model.state_dict(), meta=meta, author='EasyCV') with, 'wb') as ofile:, ofile) def _export_swav(model, cfg, filename): """ export cls (cls & metric learning)model and preprocess config Args: model (nn.Module): model to be exported cfg: Config object filename (str): filename to save exported models """ if hasattr(cfg, 'export'): export_cfg = cfg.export else: export_cfg = dict(export_neck=False) export_neck = export_cfg.get('export_neck', False) tbackbone = replace_syncbn(cfg.model.backbone) model_config = dict( type='Classification', pretrained=False, # avoid loading default pretrained backbone model backbone=tbackbone, ) if export_neck and hasattr(cfg.model, 'neck'): cfg.model.neck.export = True cfg.model.neck.with_avg_pool = True model_config['neck'] = cfg.model.neck if hasattr(model_config, 'neck'): output_channels = model_config['neck']['out_channels'] else: output_channels = 2048 model_config['head'] = head = dict( type='ClsHead', with_avg_pool=False, in_channels=output_channels, num_classes=1000, ) img_norm_cfg = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) if hasattr(cfg, 'test_pipeline'): test_pipeline = cfg.test_pipeline else: test_pipeline = [ dict(type='Resize', size=[224, 224]), dict(type='ToTensor'), dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg), ] config = dict(model=model_config, test_pipeline=test_pipeline) meta = dict(config=json.dumps(config)) state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in model.state_dict().items(): if k.startswith('backbone'): state_dict[k] = v elif k.startswith('head'): state_dict[k] = v # feature extractor need classification model, classification mode = extract only support neck_0 to infer after sprint2101 # swav's neck is saved as 'neck.' elif export_neck and (k.startswith('neck.')): new_key = k.replace('neck.', 'neck_0.') state_dict[new_key] = v checkpoint = dict(state_dict=state_dict, meta=meta, author='EasyCV') with, 'wb') as ofile:, ofile) def _export_moco(model, cfg, filename): """ export model and preprocess config Args: model (nn.Module): model to be exported cfg: Config object filename (str): filename to save exported models """ if hasattr(cfg, 'export'): export_cfg = cfg.export else: export_cfg = dict(export_neck=False) export_neck = export_cfg.get('export_neck', False) model_config = dict( type='Classification', pretrained=False, # avoid loading default pretrained backbone model backbone=replace_syncbn(cfg.model.backbone), head=dict( type='ClsHead', with_avg_pool=True, in_channels=2048, num_classes=1000, ), ) if export_neck: model_config['neck'] = cfg.model.neck img_norm_cfg = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) test_pipeline = [ dict(type='Resize', size=[224, 224]), dict(type='ToTensor'), dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg), ] config = dict( model=model_config, test_pipeline=test_pipeline, ) meta = dict(config=json.dumps(config)) state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in model.state_dict().items(): if k.startswith('backbone'): state_dict[k] = v neck_key = 'encoder_q.1' if export_neck and k.startswith(neck_key): new_key = k.replace(neck_key, 'neck_0') state_dict[new_key] = v checkpoint = dict(state_dict=state_dict, meta=meta, author='EasyCV') with, 'wb') as ofile:, ofile) def _export_moby(model, cfg, filename): """ export model and preprocess config Args: model (nn.Module): model to be exported cfg: Config object filename (str): filename to save exported models """ if hasattr(cfg, 'export'): export_cfg = cfg.export else: export_cfg = dict(export_neck=False) export_neck = export_cfg.get('export_neck', False) model_config = dict( type='Classification', pretrained=False, # avoid loading default pretrained backbone model backbone=replace_syncbn(cfg.model.backbone), head=dict( type='ClsHead', with_avg_pool=True, in_channels=2048, num_classes=1000, ), ) if export_neck: model_config['neck'] = cfg.model.neck img_norm_cfg = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) test_pipeline = [ dict(type='Resize', size=[224, 224]), dict(type='ToTensor'), dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg), ] config = dict( model=model_config, test_pipeline=test_pipeline, ) meta = dict(config=json.dumps(config)) state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in model.state_dict().items(): if k.startswith('backbone'): state_dict[k] = v neck_key = 'projector_q' if export_neck and k.startswith(neck_key): new_key = k.replace(neck_key, 'neck_0') state_dict[new_key] = v checkpoint = dict(state_dict=state_dict, meta=meta, author='EasyCV') with, 'wb') as ofile:, ofile) def export_jit_model(model, cfg, filename): """ export jit model Args: model (nn.Module): model to be exported cfg: Config object filename (str): filename to save exported models """ model_jit = torch.jit.script(model) with, 'wb') as ofile:, ofile) def _export_bevformer(model, cfg, filename, fp16=False, dummy_inputs=None): if not cfg.adapt_jit: raise ValueError( '"cfg.adapt_jit" must be True when export jit trace or blade model.' ) device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' model = copy.deepcopy(model) model.eval() def _dummy_inputs(): # dummy inputs bacth_size, queue_len, cams_num = 1, 1, 6 img_size = (928, 1600) img = torch.rand([cams_num, 3, img_size[0], img_size[1]]).to(device) can_bus = torch.rand([18]).to(device) lidar2img = torch.rand([6, 4, 4]).to(device) img_shape = torch.tensor([[img_size[0], img_size[1], 3]] * cams_num).to(device) dummy_scene_token = 'dummy_scene_token' scene_token = encode_str_to_tensor(dummy_scene_token).to(device) prev_scene_token = scene_token prev_bev = torch.rand([cfg.bev_h * cfg.bev_w, 1, cfg.embed_dim]).to(device) prev_pos = torch.tensor(0) prev_angle = torch.tensor(0) img_metas = { 'can_bus': can_bus, 'lidar2img': lidar2img, 'img_shape': img_shape, 'scene_token': scene_token, 'prev_bev': prev_bev, 'prev_pos': prev_pos, 'prev_angle': prev_angle, 'prev_scene_token': prev_scene_token } return img, img_metas if dummy_inputs is None: dummy_inputs = _dummy_inputs() _export_jit_and_blade(model, cfg, filename, dummy_inputs, fp16=fp16) def _export_pose_topdown(model, cfg, filename, fp16=False, dummy_inputs=None): device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' model = copy.deepcopy(model) model.eval() if hasattr(cfg, 'export') and getattr(cfg.export, 'type', 'raw') == 'raw': from mmcv.utils.path import is_filepath if hasattr(cfg, 'dataset_info') and is_filepath(cfg.dataset_info): dataset_info_cfg = Config.fromfile(cfg.dataset_info) cfg.dataset_info = dataset_info_cfg._cfg_dict['dataset_info'] return _export_common(model, cfg, filename) def _dummy_inputs(cfg): from easycv.datasets.pose.data_sources.top_down import DatasetInfo from easycv.datasets.pose.data_sources.wholebody.wholebody_coco_source import WHOLEBODY_COCO_DATASET_INFO from easycv.datasets.pose.data_sources.hand.coco_hand import COCO_WHOLEBODY_HAND_DATASET_INFO from easycv.datasets.pose.data_sources.coco import COCO_DATASET_INFO data_type = data_info_map = { 'WholeBodyCocoTopDownSource': WHOLEBODY_COCO_DATASET_INFO, 'PoseTopDownSourceCoco': COCO_DATASET_INFO, 'HandCocoPoseTopDownSource': COCO_WHOLEBODY_HAND_DATASET_INFO } dataset_info = DatasetInfo(data_info_map[data_type]) flip_pairs = dataset_info.flip_pairs image_size = cfg.data_cfg.image_size img = torch.rand([1, 3, image_size[1], image_size[0]]).to(device) img_metas = [{ 'image_id': torch.tensor(0), 'center': torch.tensor([426., 451.]), 'scale': torch.tensor([4., 5.]), 'rotation': torch.tensor(0), 'flip_pairs': torch.tensor(flip_pairs), 'bbox_id': torch.tensor(0) }] return img, img_metas if dummy_inputs is None: dummy_inputs = _dummy_inputs(cfg) _export_jit_and_blade(model, cfg, filename, dummy_inputs, fp16=fp16) def _export_stgcn(model, cfg, filename, fp16=False, dummy_inputs=None): device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' model = copy.deepcopy(model) model.eval() if hasattr(cfg, 'export') and getattr(cfg.export, 'type', 'raw') == 'raw': return _export_common(model, cfg, filename) def _dummy_inputs(device): keypoints = torch.randn([1, 3, 300, 17, 2]).to(device) return (keypoints, ) if dummy_inputs is None: dummy_inputs = _dummy_inputs(device) _export_jit_and_blade(model, cfg, filename, dummy_inputs, fp16=fp16) def replace_syncbn(backbone_cfg): if 'norm_cfg' in backbone_cfg.keys(): if backbone_cfg['norm_cfg']['type'] == 'SyncBN': backbone_cfg['norm_cfg']['type'] = 'BN' elif backbone_cfg['norm_cfg']['type'] == 'SyncIBN': backbone_cfg['norm_cfg']['type'] = 'IBN' return backbone_cfg if LooseVersion(torch.__version__) >= LooseVersion('1.7.0'):
[docs] @torch.jit.script class PreProcess: """Process the data input to model. Args: target_size (Tuple[int, int]): output spatial size. keep_ratio (bool): Whether to keep the aspect ratio when resizing the image. """
[docs] def __init__(self, target_size: Tuple[int, int] = (640, 640), keep_ratio: bool = True): self.target_size = target_size self.keep_ratio = keep_ratio
def __call__( self, image: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]]: """ Args: image (torch.Tensor): image format should be [b, H, W, C] """ input_h, input_w = self.target_size image = image.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # rgb2bgr image = image[:, torch.tensor([2, 1, 0]), :, :] ori_h, ori_w = image.shape[-2:] mean = [123.675, 116.28, 103.53] std = [58.395, 57.12, 57.375] if not self.keep_ratio: out_image = t_f.resize(image, [input_h, input_w]) out_image = t_f.normalize(out_image, mean, std) pad_l, pad_t, scale = 0, 0, 1.0 else: scale = min(input_h / ori_h, input_w / ori_w) resize_h, resize_w = int(ori_h * scale), int(ori_w * scale) # pay attention to the padding position! In mmcv, padding is conducted in the right and bottom pad_h, pad_w = input_h - resize_h, input_w - resize_w pad_l, pad_t = 0, 0 pad_r, pad_b = pad_w - pad_l, pad_h - pad_t out_image = t_f.resize(image, [resize_h, resize_w]) out_image = t_f.pad( out_image, [pad_l, pad_t, pad_r, pad_b], fill=114) # float is necessary to match the preprocess result with mmcv out_image = out_image.float() out_image = t_f.normalize(out_image, mean, std) h, w = out_image.shape[-2:] output_info = { 'pad': (float(pad_l), float(pad_t)), 'scale_factor': (float(scale), float(scale)), 'ori_img_shape': (float(ori_h), float(ori_w)), 'img_shape': (float(h), float(w)) } return out_image, output_info
else: PreProcess = None
[docs]class ModelExportWrapper(torch.nn.Module):
[docs] def __init__(self, model, example_inputs, trace_model: bool = True) -> None: super().__init__() self.model = model if hasattr(self.model, 'export_init'): self.model.export_init() self.example_inputs = example_inputs self.trace_model = trace_model if self.trace_model: try: self.trace_module() except RuntimeError: # well trained model will generate reasonable result, otherwise, we should change model.test_conf=0.0 to avoid tensor in inference to be empty logging.warning( 'PAI-YOLOX: set model.test_conf=0.0 to avoid tensor in inference to be empty' ) model.test_conf = 0.0 self.trace_module()
[docs] def trace_module(self, **kwargs): trace_model = torch.jit.trace_module( self.model, {'forward_export': self.example_inputs}, **kwargs) self.model = trace_model
[docs] def forward(self, image): with torch.no_grad(): model_output = self.model.forward_export(image) return model_output
[docs]class ProcessExportWrapper(torch.nn.Module): """ split the preprocess that can be wrapped as a preprocess jit model the preproprocess procedure cannot be optimized in an end2end blade model due to dynamic shape problem """
[docs] def __init__(self, example_inputs, process_fn: Optional[Callable] = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.process_fn = process_fn
[docs] def forward(self, image): with torch.no_grad(): output = self.process_fn(image) return output