Source code for easycv.core.evaluation.classification_eval

# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import torch
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

from easycv.utils.logger import print_log
from .base_evaluator import Evaluator
from .builder import EVALUATORS
from .metric_registry import METRICS

[docs]@EVALUATORS.register_module class ClsEvaluator(Evaluator): """ Classification evaluator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, topk=(1, 5), dataset_name=None, metric_names=['neck_top1'], neck_num=None, class_list=None): ''' Args: top_k (int, tuple): int or tuple of int, evaluate top_k acc dataset_name: eval dataset name metric_names: eval metrics name neck_num: some model contains multi-neck to support multitask, neck_num means use the no.neck_num neck output of model to eval ''' if isinstance(topk, int): topk = (topk, ) self._topk = topk self.dataset_name = dataset_name self.neck_num = neck_num self.class_list = class_list super(ClsEvaluator, self).__init__(dataset_name, metric_names)
def _evaluate_impl(self, predictions, gt_labels): ''' python evaluation code which will be run after all test batched data are predicted Args: predictions: dict of tensor with shape NxC, from each cls heads gt_labels: int32 tensor with shape N Return: a dict, each key is metric_name, value is metric value ''' eval_res = OrderedDict() if isinstance(gt_labels, dict): assert len(gt_labels) == 1 gt_labels = list(gt_labels.values())[0] target = gt_labels.long() # if self.neck_num is not None: if self.neck_num is None: if len(predictions) > 1: predictions = {'neck': predictions['neck']} else: predictions = { 'neck_%d_0' % self.neck_num: predictions['neck_%d_0' % self.neck_num] } for key, scores in predictions.items(): assert scores.size(0) == target.size(0), \ 'Inconsistent length for results and labels, {} vs {}'.format( scores.size(0), target.size(0)) num = scores.size(0) # Avoid topk values greater than the number of categories self._topk = np.array(list(self._topk)) self._topk = np.clip(self._topk, 1, scores.shape[-1]) _, pred = scores.topk( max(self._topk), dim=1, largest=True, sorted=True) pred = pred.t() correct = pred.eq(target.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred)) # KxN for k in self._topk: # use contiguous() to avoid eval view failed correct_k = correct[:k].contiguous().view(-1).float().sum( 0).item() acc = correct_k * 100.0 / num eval_res['{}_top{}'.format(key, k)] = acc if self.class_list is not None: # confusion_matrix class_num = scores.shape[1] tp = np.zeros(class_num) # predict: 1, target: 1 fn = np.zeros(class_num) # predict: 0, target: 1 fp = np.zeros(class_num) # predict: 1, target: 0 tn = np.zeros(class_num) # predict: 0, target: 0 attend = np.zeros(class_num) # target num valid_true = [] valid_pred = [] target_onehot = torch.zeros([scores.shape[0], scores.shape[1]], dtype=scores.dtype, layout=scores.layout, device=scores.device) target_onehot.scatter_(1, target.unsqueeze(-1), 1) predict_onehot = torch.zeros( [scores.shape[0], scores.shape[1]], dtype=scores.dtype, layout=scores.layout, device=scores.device) predict_onehot.scatter_( 1, torch.argmax(scores, dim=1).unsqueeze(-1), 1) target_onehot = target_onehot.numpy() predict_onehot = predict_onehot.numpy() tp += np.sum((predict_onehot == target_onehot), axis=0) fn += np.sum((target_onehot - predict_onehot) > 0, axis=0) fp += np.sum((predict_onehot - target_onehot) > 0, axis=0) tn += np.sum(((predict_onehot == 0) & (target_onehot == 0)), axis=0) tp -= np.sum(((predict_onehot == 0) & (target_onehot == 0)), axis=0) attend += np.sum(target_onehot, axis=0) recall = tp / (tp + fn + 0.00001) precision = tp / (tp + fp + 0.00001) f1 = 2 * recall * precision / (recall + precision + 0.00001) recall_mean = np.mean(recall, axis=0) precision_mean = np.mean(precision) f1_mean = np.mean(f1, axis=0) valid_target = target_onehot[ np.sum(target_onehot, axis=1) <= 1] valid_predict = predict_onehot[ np.sum(target_onehot, axis=1) <= 1] for sub_predict, sub_target in zip(valid_target, valid_predict): valid_true.append(self.class_list[sub_target.argmax()]) valid_pred.append(self.class_list[sub_predict.argmax()]) matrix = confusion_matrix( valid_true, valid_pred, labels=self.class_list) # print_log( # 'recall:{}\nprecision:{}\nattend:{}\nTP:{}\nFN:{}\nFP:{}\nTN:{}\nrecall/mean:{}\nprecision/mean:{}\nF1/mean:{}\nconfusion_matrix:{}\n' # .format(recall, precision, attend, tp, fn, fp, tn, # recall_mean, precision_mean, f1_mean, matrix)) eval_res[key] = \ 'recall:{}\nprecision:{}\nattend:{}\nTP:{}\nFN:{}\nFP:{}\nTN:{}\nrecall/mean:{}\nprecision/mean:{}\nF1/mean:{}\nconfusion_matrix:{}\n'\ .format(recall, precision, attend, tp, fn, fp, tn, recall_mean, precision_mean, f1_mean, matrix.tolist()) return eval_res
[docs]@EVALUATORS.register_module class MultiLabelEvaluator(Evaluator): """ Multilabel Classification evaluator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset_name=None, metric_names=['mAP']): ''' Args: dataset_name: eval dataset name metric_names: eval metrics name ''' self.dataset_name = dataset_name super(MultiLabelEvaluator, self).__init__(dataset_name, metric_names)
def _evaluate_impl(self, predictions, gt_labels): preds = torch.sigmoid(predictions['neck']) map_out = self.mAP(preds, gt_labels) eval_res = { 'mAP': map_out, } return eval_res
[docs] def mAP(self, pred, target): """Calculate the mean average precision with respect of classes. Args: pred (torch.Tensor | np.ndarray): The model prediction with shape (N, C), where C is the number of classes. target (torch.Tensor | np.ndarray): The target of each prediction with shape (N, C), where C is the number of classes. 1 stands for positive examples, 0 stands for negative examples and -1 stands for difficult examples. Returns: float: A single float as mAP value. """ if isinstance(pred, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(target, torch.Tensor): pred = pred.detach().cpu().numpy() target = target.detach().cpu().numpy() elif not (isinstance(pred, np.ndarray) and isinstance(target, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('pred and target should both be torch.Tensor or' 'np.ndarray') assert pred.shape == \ target.shape, 'pred and target should be in the same shape.' num_classes = pred.shape[1] ap = np.zeros(num_classes) mean_ap = ap.mean() * 100.0 return mean_ap
[docs] def average_precision(self, pred, target): r"""Calculate the average precision for a single class. AP summarizes a precision-recall curve as the weighted mean of maximum precisions obtained for any r'>r, where r is the recall: .. math:: \text{AP} = \sum_n (R_n - R_{n-1}) P_n Note that no approximation is involved since the curve is piecewise constant. Args: pred (np.ndarray): The model prediction with shape (N, ). target (np.ndarray): The target of each prediction with shape (N, ). Returns: float: a single float as average precision value. """ eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps # sort examples sort_inds = np.argsort(-pred) sort_target = target[sort_inds] # count true positive examples pos_inds = sort_target == 1 tp = np.cumsum(pos_inds) total_pos = tp[-1] # count not difficult examples pn_inds = sort_target != -1 pn = np.cumsum(pn_inds) tp[np.logical_not(pos_inds)] = 0 precision = tp / np.maximum(pn, eps) ap = np.sum(precision) / np.maximum(total_pos, eps) return ap
METRICS.register_default_best_metric(ClsEvaluator, 'neck_top1', 'max') METRICS.register_default_best_metric(MultiLabelEvaluator, 'mAP', 'max')