Source code for easycv.core.evaluation.coco_evaluation

# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# ==============================================================================
"""Class for evaluating object detections with COCO metrics."""
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import multiprocessing
import os
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

import mmcv
import numpy as np
import six
import torch
from xtcocotools.coco import COCO
from xtcocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval

from easycv.core import standard_fields
from easycv.core.evaluation import coco_tools
from easycv.core.post_processing.nms import oks_nms, soft_oks_nms
from easycv.core.standard_fields import DetectionResultFields, InputDataFields
from easycv.framework.errors import KeyError, TypeError, ValueError
from easycv.utils.json_utils import MyEncoder
from .base_evaluator import Evaluator
from .builder import EVALUATORS
from .metric_registry import METRICS

    from panopticapi.evaluation import OFFSET, VOID, PQStat
    from panopticapi.utils import rgb2id
except ImportError:
    PQStat = None
    rgb2id = None
    VOID = 0
    OFFSET = 256 * 256 * 256

[docs]@EVALUATORS.register_module class CocoDetectionEvaluator(Evaluator): """Class to evaluate COCO detection metrics."""
[docs] def __init__(self, classes, include_metrics_per_category=False, all_metrics_per_category=False, coco_analyze=False, dataset_name=None, metric_names=['DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP']): """Constructor. Args: classes: a list of class name include_metrics_per_category: If True, include metrics for each category. all_metrics_per_category: Whether to include all the summary metrics for each category in per_category_ap. Be careful with setting it to true if you have more than handful of ∏, because it will pollute your mldash. coco_analyze: If True, will analyze the detection result using coco analysis. dataset_name: If not None, dataset_name will be inserted to each metric name. """ super(CocoDetectionEvaluator, self).__init__(dataset_name, metric_names) # _image_ids is a dictionary that maps unique image ids to Booleans which # indicate whether a corresponding detection has been added. self._image_ids = {} self._groundtruth_list = [] self._detection_boxes_list = [] self._annotation_id = 1 self._metrics = None self._analyze_images = None self._include_metrics_per_category = include_metrics_per_category self._all_metrics_per_category = all_metrics_per_category self._analyze = coco_analyze self._categories = [None] * len(classes) # categories: A list of dicts, each of which has the following keys - # 'id': (required) an integer id uniquely identifying this category. # 'name': (required) string representing category name e.g., 'cat', 'dog'. for idx, name in enumerate(classes): self._categories[idx] = {'id': idx, 'name': name} self._category_id_set = set([cat['id'] for cat in self._categories]) # for json formatted evaluation self.num_classes = len(classes) self.class_names = classes self.dataset_name = dataset_name self.iou_thrs = np.linspace( .5, 0.95, int(np.round((0.95 - .5) / .05)) + 1, endpoint=True) self.proposal_nums = (100, 300, 1000) self.coco_metric_names = { 'mAP': 0, 'mAP_50': 1, 'mAP_75': 2, 'mAP_s': 3, 'mAP_m': 4, 'mAP_l': 5, 'AR@100': 6, 'AR@300': 7, 'AR@1000': 8, 'AR_s@1000': 9, 'AR_m@1000': 10, 'AR_l@1000': 11 } self.metric_items = [ 'mAP', 'mAP_50', 'mAP_75', 'mAP_s', 'mAP_m', 'mAP_l' ] self.metric = 'bbox' self.iou_type = 'bbox'
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the state to prepare for a fresh evaluation.""" self._image_ids.clear() self._groundtruth_list = [] self._detection_boxes_list = []
[docs] def add_single_ground_truth_image_info(self, image_id, groundtruth_dict): """Adds groundtruth for a single image to be used for evaluation. If the image has already been added, a warning is logged, and groundtruth is ignored. Args: image_id: A unique string/integer identifier for the image. groundtruth_dict: A dictionary containing :InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes: float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, 4] containing `num_boxes` groundtruth boxes of the format [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] in absolute image coordinates. :InputDataFields.groundtruth_classes: integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing 1-indexed groundtruth classes for the boxes. InputDataFields.groundtruth_is_crowd (optional): integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing iscrowd flag for groundtruth boxes. """ if image_id in self._image_ids: print( 'Ignoring ground truth with image id %s since it was ' ' previously added', image_id) return groundtruth_is_crowd = groundtruth_dict.get( standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_is_crowd) # Drop groundtruth_is_crowd if empty tensor. if groundtruth_is_crowd is not None and not groundtruth_is_crowd.shape[ 0]: groundtruth_is_crowd = None self._groundtruth_list.extend( coco_tools.ExportSingleImageGroundtruthToCoco( image_id=image_id, next_annotation_id=self._annotation_id, category_id_set=self._category_id_set, groundtruth_boxes=groundtruth_dict[ standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes], groundtruth_classes=groundtruth_dict[ standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_classes], groundtruth_is_crowd=groundtruth_is_crowd)) self._annotation_id += groundtruth_dict[ standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes].shape[0] # Boolean to indicate whether a detection has been added for this image. self._image_ids[image_id] = False
[docs] def add_single_detected_image_info(self, image_id, detections_dict): """Adds detections for a single image to be used for evaluation. If a detection has already been added for this image id, a warning is logged, and the detection is skipped. Args: image_id: A unique string/integer identifier for the image. detections_dict: A dictionary containing :DetectionResultFields.detection_boxes: float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, 4] containing `num_boxes` detection boxes of the format [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] in absolute image coordinates. :DetectionResultFields.detection_scores: float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing detection scores for the boxes. :DetectionResultFields.detection_classes: integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing 1-indexed detection classes for the boxes. Raises: ValueError: If groundtruth for the image_id is not available. """ if image_id not in self._image_ids: raise ValueError( 'Missing groundtruth for image id: {}'.format(image_id)) if self._image_ids[image_id]: print( 'Ignoring detection with image id %s since it was ' 'previously added', image_id) return self._detection_boxes_list.extend( coco_tools.ExportSingleImageDetectionBoxesToCoco( image_id=image_id, category_id_set=self._category_id_set, detection_boxes=detections_dict[ standard_fields.DetectionResultFields.detection_boxes], detection_scores=detections_dict[ standard_fields.DetectionResultFields.detection_scores], detection_classes=detections_dict[ standard_fields.DetectionResultFields.detection_classes])) self._image_ids[image_id] = True
def _evaluate(self, analyze=False): """Evaluates the detection boxes and returns a dictionary of coco metrics. Args: analyze: if set True, will call coco analyze to analyze false positive, return result images for each class, this process is very slow. Returns: A dictionary holding 1. summary_metrics: 'DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP': mean average precision over classes averaged over IOU thresholds ranging from .5 to .95 with .05 increments. 'DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP@.50IOU': mean average precision at 50% IOU 'DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP@.75IOU': mean average precision at 75% IOU 'DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP (small)': mean average precision for small objects (area < 32^2 pixels). 'DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP (medium)': mean average precision for medium sized objects (32^2 pixels < area < 96^2 pixels). 'DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP (large)': mean average precision for large objects (96^2 pixels < area < 10000^2 pixels). 'DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@1': average recall with 1 detection. 'DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@10': average recall with 10 detections. 'DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@100': average recall with 100 detections. 'DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@100 (small)': average recall for small objects with 100. 'DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@100 (medium)': average recall for medium objects with 100. 'DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@100 (large)': average recall for large objects with 100 detections. 2. per_category_ap: if include_metrics_per_category is True, category specific results with keys of the form: 'Precision mAP ByCategory/category' (without the supercategory part if no supercategories exist). For backward compatibility 'PerformanceByCategory' is included in the output regardless of all_metrics_per_category. """ groundtruth_dict = { 'annotations': self._groundtruth_list, 'images': [{ 'id': image_id } for image_id in self._image_ids], 'categories': self._categories } coco_wrapped_groundtruth = coco_tools.COCOWrapper(groundtruth_dict) coco_wrapped_detections = coco_wrapped_groundtruth.LoadAnnotations( self._detection_boxes_list) box_evaluator = coco_tools.COCOEvalWrapper( coco_wrapped_groundtruth, coco_wrapped_detections, agnostic_mode=False) box_metrics, box_per_category_ap = box_evaluator.ComputeMetrics( include_metrics_per_category=self._include_metrics_per_category, all_metrics_per_category=self._all_metrics_per_category) box_metrics.update(box_per_category_ap) box_metrics = { 'DetectionBoxes_' + key: value for key, value in iter(box_metrics.items()) } if self._analyze or analyze: images = box_evaluator.Analyze() return box_metrics, images else: return box_metrics def _evaluate_impl(self, prediction_dict, groundtruth_dict): ''' Args: prediction_dict: A dict of k-v pair, each v is a list of tensor or numpy array for detection result. A dictionary containing :groundtruth_boxes: float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, 4] containing `num_boxes` groundtruth boxes of the format [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] in absolute image coordinates. :groundtruth_classes: integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing 1-indexed groundtruth classes for the boxes. InputDataFields.groundtruth_is_crowd (optional): integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing iscrowd flag for groundtruth boxes. :img_metas: List of length number of test images, dict of image meta info, containing filename, ori_img_shape, and so on. groundtruth_dict: A dict of k-v pair, each v is a list of tensor or numpy array for groundtruth info. A dictionary containing :DetectionResultFields.detection_boxes: float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, 4] containing `num_boxes` detection boxes of the format [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] in absolute image coordinates. :DetectionResultFields.detection_scores: float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing detection scores for the boxes. :DetectionResultFields.detection_classes: integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing 1-indexed detection classes for the boxes. :groundtruth_is_crowd: integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing iscrowd flag for groundtruth boxes. Return: dict, each key is metric_name, value is metric value ''' num_images_det = len( prediction_dict[DetectionResultFields.detection_boxes]) num_images_gt = len( groundtruth_dict[InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes]) assert num_images_det == num_images_gt, 'detection and groundtruth number is not the same' groundtruth_is_crowd_list = groundtruth_dict.get( 'groundtruth_is_crowd', None) for idx, (detection_boxes, detection_classes, detection_scores, img_metas, gt_boxes, gt_classes) in \ enumerate(zip(prediction_dict['detection_boxes'], prediction_dict['detection_classes'], prediction_dict['detection_scores'], prediction_dict['img_metas'], groundtruth_dict['groundtruth_boxes'], groundtruth_dict['groundtruth_classes'])): height, width = img_metas[ 'ori_img_shape'][:2] # height, width, channel image_id = img_metas['filename'] # tensor caculated on other devices is not on device:0, so transfer them if isinstance(detection_boxes, torch.Tensor): detection_boxes = detection_boxes.cpu().numpy() detection_scores = detection_scores.cpu().numpy() detection_classes = detection_classes.cpu().numpy().astype( np.int32) if groundtruth_is_crowd_list is None: groundtruth_is_crowd = None else: groundtruth_is_crowd = groundtruth_is_crowd_list[idx] groundtruth_dict = { 'groundtruth_boxes': gt_boxes, 'groundtruth_classes': gt_classes, 'groundtruth_is_crowd': groundtruth_is_crowd, } self.add_single_ground_truth_image_info(image_id, groundtruth_dict) if detection_classes is None or detection_scores is None: detection_classes = np.array([-1]) detection_scores = np.array([0.0]) detection_boxes = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) # add detection info detection_dict = { 'detection_boxes': detection_boxes, 'detection_scores': detection_scores, 'detection_classes': detection_classes, } self.add_single_detected_image_info(image_id, detection_dict) eval_dict = self._evaluate() self.clear() return eval_dict
def _check_mask_type_and_value(array_name, masks): """Checks whether mask dtype is uint8 and the values are either 0 or 1.""" if masks.dtype != np.uint8: raise TypeError('{} must be of type np.uint8. Found {}.'.format( array_name, masks.dtype)) if np.any(np.logical_and(masks != 0, masks != 1)): raise ValueError( '{} elements can only be either 0 or 1.'.format(array_name))
[docs]@EVALUATORS.register_module class CocoMaskEvaluator(Evaluator): """Class to evaluate COCO detection metrics."""
[docs] def __init__(self, classes, include_metrics_per_category=False, dataset_name=None, metric_names=['DetectionMasks_Precision/mAP']): """Constructor. Args: categories: A list of dicts, each of which has the following keys :id: (required) an integer id uniquely identifying this category. :name: (required) string representing category name e.g., 'cat', 'dog'. include_metrics_per_category: If True, include metrics for each category. """ super(CocoMaskEvaluator, self).__init__(dataset_name, metric_names) self._image_id_to_mask_shape_map = {} self._image_ids_with_detections = set([]) self._groundtruth_list = [] self._detection_masks_list = [] self._annotation_id = 1 self._include_metrics_per_category = include_metrics_per_category self._categories = [None] * len(classes) # categories: A list of dicts, each of which has the following keys - # 'id': (required) an integer id uniquely identifying this category. # 'name': (required) string representing category name e.g., 'cat', 'dog'. for idx, name in enumerate(classes): self._categories[idx] = {'id': idx, 'name': name} self._category_id_set = set([cat['id'] for cat in self._categories])
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the state to prepare for a fresh evaluation.""" self._image_id_to_mask_shape_map.clear() self._image_ids_with_detections.clear() self._groundtruth_list = [] self._detection_masks_list = []
[docs] def add_single_ground_truth_image_info(self, image_id, groundtruth_dict): """Adds groundtruth for a single image to be used for evaluation. If the image has already been added, a warning is logged, and groundtruth is ignored. Args: image_id: A unique string/integer identifier for the image. groundtruth_dict: A dictionary containing :InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes: float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, 4] containing `num_boxes` groundtruth boxes of the format [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] in absolute image coordinates. :InputDataFields.groundtruth_classes: integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing 1-indexed groundtruth classes for the boxes. :InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_masks: uint8 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, image_height, image_width] containing groundtruth masks corresponding to the boxes. The elements of the array must be in {0, 1}. """ if image_id in self._image_id_to_mask_shape_map: print( 'Ignoring ground truth with image id %s since it was ' 'previously added', image_id) return groundtruth_instance_masks = groundtruth_dict[ standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_masks] _check_mask_type_and_value( standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_masks, groundtruth_instance_masks) self._groundtruth_list.extend( coco_tools.ExportSingleImageGroundtruthToCoco( image_id=image_id, next_annotation_id=self._annotation_id, category_id_set=self._category_id_set, groundtruth_boxes=groundtruth_dict[ standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes], groundtruth_classes=groundtruth_dict[ standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_classes], groundtruth_masks=groundtruth_instance_masks, groundtruth_is_crowd=groundtruth_dict.get( standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_is_crowd, None))) self._annotation_id += groundtruth_dict[ standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes].shape[0] self._image_id_to_mask_shape_map[image_id] = groundtruth_dict[ standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_masks].shape
[docs] def add_single_detected_image_info(self, image_id, detections_dict): """Adds detections for a single image to be used for evaluation. If a detection has already been added for this image id, a warning is logged, and the detection is skipped. Args: image_id: A unique string/integer identifier for the image. detections_dict: A dictionary containing - DetectionResultFields.detection_scores: float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing detection scores for the boxes. DetectionResultFields.detection_classes: integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing 1-indexed detection classes for the boxes. DetectionResultFields.detection_masks: optional uint8 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, image_height, image_width] containing instance masks corresponding to the boxes. The elements of the array must be in {0, 1}. Raises: ValueError: If groundtruth for the image_id is not available or if spatial shapes of groundtruth_instance_masks and detection_masks are incompatible. """ if image_id not in self._image_id_to_mask_shape_map: raise ValueError( 'Missing groundtruth for image id: {}'.format(image_id)) if image_id in self._image_ids_with_detections: print( 'Ignoring detection with image id %s since it was ' 'previously added', image_id) return groundtruth_masks_shape = self._image_id_to_mask_shape_map[image_id] detection_masks = detections_dict[ standard_fields.DetectionResultFields.detection_masks] if (len(detection_masks) and groundtruth_masks_shape[0] != 0 and groundtruth_masks_shape[1:] != detection_masks.shape[1:]): raise ValueError( 'Spatial shape of groundtruth masks and detection masks ' 'are incompatible: {} vs {}'.format(groundtruth_masks_shape, detection_masks.shape)) _check_mask_type_and_value( standard_fields.DetectionResultFields.detection_masks, detection_masks) self._detection_masks_list.extend( coco_tools.ExportSingleImageDetectionMasksToCoco( image_id=image_id, category_id_set=self._category_id_set, detection_masks=detection_masks, detection_scores=detections_dict[ standard_fields.DetectionResultFields.detection_scores], detection_classes=detections_dict[ standard_fields.DetectionResultFields.detection_classes])) self._image_ids_with_detections.update([image_id])
def _evaluate(self): """Evaluates the detection masks and returns a dictionary of coco metrics. Returns: A dictionary holding - 1. summary_metrics: 'DetectionMasks_Precision/mAP': mean average precision over classes averaged over IOU thresholds ranging from .5 to .95 with .05 increments. 'DetectionMasks_Precision/mAP@.50IOU': mean average precision at 50% IOU. 'DetectionMasks_Precision/mAP@.75IOU': mean average precision at 75% IOU. 'DetectionMasks_Precision/mAP (small)': mean average precision for small objects (area < 32^2 pixels). 'DetectionMasks_Precision/mAP (medium)': mean average precision for medium sized objects (32^2 pixels < area < 96^2 pixels). 'DetectionMasks_Precision/mAP (large)': mean average precision for large objects (96^2 pixels < area < 10000^2 pixels). 'DetectionMasks_Recall/AR@1': average recall with 1 detection. 'DetectionMasks_Recall/AR@10': average recall with 10 detections. 'DetectionMasks_Recall/AR@100': average recall with 100 detections. 'DetectionMasks_Recall/AR@100 (small)': average recall for small objects with 100 detections. 'DetectionMasks_Recall/AR@100 (medium)': average recall for medium objects with 100 detections. 'DetectionMasks_Recall/AR@100 (large)': average recall for large objects with 100 detections. 2. per_category_ap: if include_metrics_per_category is True, category specific results with keys of the form: 'Precision mAP ByCategory/category' (without the supercategory part if no supercategories exist). For backward compatibility 'PerformanceByCategory' is included in the output regardless of all_metrics_per_category. """ groundtruth_dict = { 'annotations': self._groundtruth_list, 'images': [{ 'id': image_id, 'height': shape[1], 'width': shape[2] } for image_id, shape in six.iteritems( self._image_id_to_mask_shape_map)], 'categories': self._categories } coco_wrapped_groundtruth = coco_tools.COCOWrapper( groundtruth_dict, detection_type='segmentation') coco_wrapped_detection_masks = coco_wrapped_groundtruth.LoadAnnotations( self._detection_masks_list) mask_evaluator = coco_tools.COCOEvalWrapper( coco_wrapped_groundtruth, coco_wrapped_detection_masks, agnostic_mode=False, iou_type='segm') mask_metrics, mask_per_category_ap = mask_evaluator.ComputeMetrics( include_metrics_per_category=self._include_metrics_per_category) mask_metrics.update(mask_per_category_ap) mask_metrics = { 'DetectionMasks_' + key: value for key, value in six.iteritems(mask_metrics) } return mask_metrics def _evaluate_impl(self, prediction_dict, groundtruth_dict): """Evaluate with prediction and groundtruth dict Args: detections_dict: A dictionary containing - :DetectionResultFields.detection_scores: float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing detection scores for the boxes. :DetectionResultFields.detection_classes: integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing 1-indexed detection classes for the boxes. :DetectionResultFields.detection_masks: mask rle code or optional uint8 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, image_height, image_width] containing instance masks corresponding to the boxes. The elements of the array must be in {0, 1}. :img_metas: List of length number of test images, dict of image meta info, containing filename, ori_img_shape, and so on. groundtruth_dict: A dictionary containing :InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes: float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, 4] containing `num_boxes` groundtruth boxes of the format [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] in absolute image coordinates. :InputDataFields.groundtruth_classes: integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing 1-indexed groundtruth classes for the boxes. :InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_masks: mask rle code or uint8 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, image_height, image_width] containing groundtruth masks corresponding to the boxes. The elements of the array must be in {0, 1}. :groundtruth_is_crowd: integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing iscrowd flag for groundtruth boxes. """ num_images_det = len( prediction_dict[DetectionResultFields.detection_boxes]) num_images_gt = len( groundtruth_dict[InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes]) assert num_images_det == num_images_gt, 'detection and groundtruth number is not the same' groundtruth_is_crowd_list = groundtruth_dict.get( 'groundtruth_is_crowd', None) for idx, (detection_masks, detection_classes, detection_scores, img_metas, gt_boxes, gt_masks, gt_classes) in \ enumerate(zip(prediction_dict['detection_masks'], prediction_dict['detection_classes'], prediction_dict['detection_scores'], prediction_dict['img_metas'], groundtruth_dict['groundtruth_boxes'], groundtruth_dict['groundtruth_instance_masks'], groundtruth_dict['groundtruth_classes'])): height, width = img_metas[ 'ori_img_shape'][:2] # height, width, channel image_id = img_metas['filename'] # tensor caculated on other devices is not on device:0, so transfer them if isinstance(detection_masks, torch.Tensor): detection_masks = detection_masks.cpu().numpy() detection_scores = detection_scores.cpu().numpy() detection_classes = detection_classes.cpu().numpy().astype( np.int32) if groundtruth_is_crowd_list is None: groundtruth_is_crowd = None else: groundtruth_is_crowd = groundtruth_is_crowd_list[idx] if len(gt_masks) == 0: gt_masks = np.array([], dtype=np.uint8).reshape( (0, height, width)) else: gt_masks = np.array([ self._ann_to_mask(mask, height, width) for mask in gt_masks ], dtype=np.uint8) groundtruth_dict = { 'groundtruth_boxes': gt_boxes, 'groundtruth_instance_masks': gt_masks, 'groundtruth_classes': gt_classes, 'groundtruth_is_crowd': groundtruth_is_crowd, } self.add_single_ground_truth_image_info(image_id, groundtruth_dict) detection_masks = np.array([ self._ann_to_mask(mask, height, width) for mask in detection_masks ], dtype=np.uint8) # add detection info detection_dict = { 'detection_masks': detection_masks, 'detection_scores': detection_scores, 'detection_classes': detection_classes, } self.add_single_detected_image_info(image_id, detection_dict) eval_dict = self._evaluate() self.clear() return eval_dict def _ann_to_mask(self, segmentation, height, width): from xtcocotools import mask as maskUtils segm = segmentation h = height w = width if type(segm) == list: # polygon -- a single object might consist of multiple parts # we merge all parts into one mask rle code rles = maskUtils.frPyObjects(segm, h, w) rle = maskUtils.merge(rles) elif type(segm['counts']) == list: # uncompressed RLE rle = maskUtils.frPyObjects(segm, h, w) else: # rle rle = segm m = maskUtils.decode(rle) return m
[docs]@EVALUATORS.register_module class CoCoPoseTopDownEvaluator(Evaluator): """Class to evaluate COCO keypoint topdown metrics. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset_name=None, metric_names=['AP'], **kwargs): super().__init__(dataset_name, metric_names) self.vis_thr = kwargs.get('vis_thr', 0.2) self.oks_thr = kwargs.get('oks_thr', 0.9) self.use_nms = kwargs.get('use_nms', True) self.soft_nms = kwargs.get('soft_nms', False) metric = self.metric_names metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric] allowed_metrics = ['AP'] for metric in metrics: if metric not in allowed_metrics: raise KeyError(f'metric {metric} is not supported')
def _evaluate_impl(self, prediction_dict, groundtruth_dict, **kwargs): """ Args: prediction_dict :preds (np.ndarray[N,K,3]): The first two dimensions are coordinates, score is the third dimension of the array. :boxes (np.ndarray[N,6]): [center[0], center[1], scale[0] , scale[1],area, score] :image_ids (list[int]): For example, [1, 2, ...] :heatmap (np.ndarray[N, K, H, W]): model output heatmap :bbox_id (list(int)): bbox_id groundtruth_dict (only support coco style) :images (list[dict]): dict keywords: 'file_name', 'height', 'width', 'id' and others :annotaions (list[dict]): dict keywords: 'num_keypoints', 'keypoints', 'image_id' and others :categories (list[dict]): list of category info """ num_joints = kwargs['num_joints'] class2id = kwargs['class2id'] sigmas = kwargs.get('sigmas', None) image_ids = prediction_dict['image_ids'] preds = prediction_dict['preds'] boxes = prediction_dict['boxes'] bbox_ids = prediction_dict['bbox_ids'] kpts = defaultdict(list) for i, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): kpts[image_id].append({ 'keypoints': preds[i], 'center': boxes[i][0:2], 'scale': boxes[i][2:4], 'area': boxes[i][4], 'score': boxes[i][5], 'image_id': image_id, 'bbox_id': bbox_ids[i] }) kpts = self._sort_and_unique_bboxes(kpts) # rescoring and oks nms valid_kpts = [] for image_id in kpts.keys(): img_kpts = kpts[image_id] for n_p in img_kpts: box_score = n_p['score'] kpt_score = 0 valid_num = 0 for n_jt in range(0, num_joints): t_s = n_p['keypoints'][n_jt][2] if t_s > self.vis_thr: kpt_score = kpt_score + t_s valid_num = valid_num + 1 if valid_num != 0: kpt_score = kpt_score / valid_num # rescoring n_p['score'] = kpt_score * box_score if self.use_nms: nms = soft_oks_nms if self.soft_nms else oks_nms keep = nms(img_kpts, self.oks_thr, sigmas=sigmas) valid_kpts.append([img_kpts[_keep] for _keep in keep]) else: valid_kpts.append(img_kpts) data_pack = [{ 'cat_id': cat_id, 'ann_type': 'keypoints', 'keypoints': valid_kpts } for cls, cat_id in class2id.items() if not cls == '__background__'] results = self._coco_keypoint_results_one_category_kernel( data_pack[0], num_joints) info_str = self._do_python_keypoint_eval(results, groundtruth_dict, sigmas) name_value = OrderedDict(info_str) return name_value def _sort_and_unique_bboxes(self, kpts, key='bbox_id'): """sort kpts and remove the repeated ones.""" for img_id, persons in kpts.items(): num = len(persons) kpts[img_id] = sorted(kpts[img_id], key=lambda x: x[key]) for i in range(num - 1, 0, -1): if kpts[img_id][i][key] == kpts[img_id][i - 1][key]: del kpts[img_id][i] return kpts def _coco_keypoint_results_one_category_kernel(self, data_pack, num_joints): """Get coco keypoint results.""" cat_id = data_pack['cat_id'] keypoints = data_pack['keypoints'] cat_results = [] for img_kpts in keypoints: if len(img_kpts) == 0: continue _key_points = np.array( [img_kpt['keypoints'] for img_kpt in img_kpts]) key_points = _key_points.reshape(-1, num_joints * 3) result = [{ 'image_id': img_kpt['image_id'], 'category_id': cat_id, 'keypoints': key_point.tolist(), 'score': float(img_kpt['score']), 'center': img_kpt['center'].tolist(), 'scale': img_kpt['scale'].tolist() } for img_kpt, key_point in zip(img_kpts, key_points)] cat_results.extend(result) return cat_results def _do_python_keypoint_eval(self, results, groundtruth, sigmas=None): """Keypoint evaluation using COCOAPI.""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: groundtruth_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'groundtruth_keypoints.json') with open(groundtruth_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(groundtruth, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) coco = COCO(groundtruth_file) res_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'result_keypoints.json') with open(res_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(results, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, cls=MyEncoder) coco_det = coco.loadRes(res_file) coco_eval = COCOeval(coco, coco_det, 'keypoints', sigmas=sigmas) coco_eval.params.useSegm = None coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() stats_names = [ 'AP', 'AP .5', 'AP .75', 'AP (M)', 'AP (L)', 'AR', 'AR .5', 'AR .75', 'AR (M)', 'AR (L)' ] info_str = list(zip(stats_names, coco_eval.stats)) return info_str
[docs]@EVALUATORS.register_module class CocoPanopticEvaluator(Evaluator): """Class to evaluate COCO panoptic metrics. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset_name=None, metric_names=['PQ'], classes=None, file_client_args=dict(backend='disk'), **kwargs): super().__init__(dataset_name, metric_names) self.CLASSES = classes self.file_client = mmcv.FileClient(**file_client_args)
[docs] def evaluate(self, gt_json, gt_folder, pred_json, pred_folder, categories, nproc=32, classwise=False, **kwargs): # match the gt_anns and pred_anns in the same image matched_annotations_list = [] for gt_ann in gt_json: img_id = gt_ann['image_id'] if img_id not in pred_json.keys(): continue # raise Exception('no prediction for the image' # ' with id: {}'.format(img_id)) matched_annotations_list.append((gt_ann, pred_json[img_id])) pq_stat = pq_compute_multi_core( matched_annotations_list, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories, self.file_client, nproc=nproc) metrics = [('All', None), ('Things', True), ('Stuff', False)] pq_results = {} for name, isthing in metrics: pq_results[name], classwise_results = pq_stat.pq_average( categories, isthing=isthing) if name == 'All': pq_results['classwise'] = classwise_results classwise_results = None if classwise: classwise_results = { k: v for k, v in zip(self.CLASSES, pq_results['classwise'].values()) } results = self.parse_pq_results(pq_results) return results
[docs] def parse_pq_results(self, pq_results): """Parse the Panoptic Quality results.""" result = dict() result['PQ'] = 100 * pq_results['All']['pq'] result['SQ'] = 100 * pq_results['All']['sq'] result['RQ'] = 100 * pq_results['All']['rq'] result['PQ_th'] = 100 * pq_results['Things']['pq'] result['SQ_th'] = 100 * pq_results['Things']['sq'] result['RQ_th'] = 100 * pq_results['Things']['rq'] result['PQ_st'] = 100 * pq_results['Stuff']['pq'] result['SQ_st'] = 100 * pq_results['Stuff']['sq'] result['RQ_st'] = 100 * pq_results['Stuff']['rq'] return result
def _evaluate_impl(self, predictions, labels, **kwargs): pass
[docs]def pq_compute_single_core(proc_id, annotation_set, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories, file_client=None, print_log=False): """The single core function to evaluate the metric of Panoptic Segmentation. Same as the function with the same name in `panopticapi`. Only the function to load the images is changed to use the file client. Args: proc_id (int): The id of the mini process. gt_folder (str): The path of the ground truth images. pred_folder (str): The path of the prediction images. categories (str): The categories of the dataset. file_client (object): The file client of the dataset. If None, the backend will be set to `disk`. print_log (bool): Whether to print the log. Defaults to False. """ if PQStat is None: raise RuntimeError( 'panopticapi is not installed, please install it by: ' 'pip install git+' 'panopticapi.git.') if file_client is None: file_client_args = dict(backend='disk') file_client = mmcv.FileClient(**file_client_args) pq_stat = PQStat() idx = 0 for gt_ann, pred_ann in annotation_set: if print_log and idx % 100 == 0: print('Core: {}, {} from {} images processed'.format( proc_id, idx, len(annotation_set))) idx += 1 # The gt images can be on the local disk or `ceph`, so we use # file_client here. img_bytes = file_client.get( os.path.join(gt_folder, gt_ann['file_name'])) pan_gt = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes, flag='color', channel_order='rgb') pan_gt = rgb2id(pan_gt) # The predictions can only be on the local dist now. pan_pred = mmcv.imread( os.path.join(pred_folder, pred_ann['file_name']), flag='color', channel_order='rgb') pan_pred = rgb2id(pan_pred) gt_segms = {el['id']: el for el in gt_ann['segments_info']} pred_segms = {el['id']: el for el in pred_ann['segments_info']} # predicted segments area calculation + prediction sanity checks pred_labels_set = set(el['id'] for el in pred_ann['segments_info']) labels, labels_cnt = np.unique(pan_pred, return_counts=True) for label, label_cnt in zip(labels, labels_cnt): if label not in pred_segms: if label == VOID: continue raise KeyError( 'In the image with ID {} segment with ID {} is ' 'presented in PNG and not presented in JSON.'.format( gt_ann['image_id'], label)) pred_segms[label]['area'] = label_cnt pred_labels_set.remove(label) if pred_segms[label]['category_id'] not in categories: raise KeyError( 'In the image with ID {} segment with ID {} has ' 'unknown category_id {}.'.format( gt_ann['image_id'], label, pred_segms[label]['category_id'])) if len(pred_labels_set) != 0: raise KeyError( 'In the image with ID {} the following segment IDs {} ' 'are presented in JSON and not presented in PNG.'.format( gt_ann['image_id'], list(pred_labels_set))) # confusion matrix calculation pan_gt_pred = pan_gt.astype(np.uint64) * OFFSET + pan_pred.astype( np.uint64) gt_pred_map = {} labels, labels_cnt = np.unique(pan_gt_pred, return_counts=True) for label, intersection in zip(labels, labels_cnt): gt_id = label // OFFSET pred_id = label % OFFSET gt_pred_map[(gt_id, pred_id)] = intersection # count all matched pairs gt_matched = set() pred_matched = set() for label_tuple, intersection in gt_pred_map.items(): gt_label, pred_label = label_tuple if gt_label not in gt_segms: continue if pred_label not in pred_segms: continue if gt_segms[gt_label]['iscrowd'] == 1: continue if gt_segms[gt_label]['category_id'] != pred_segms[pred_label][ 'category_id']: continue union = pred_segms[pred_label]['area'] + gt_segms[gt_label][ 'area'] - intersection - gt_pred_map.get((VOID, pred_label), 0) iou = intersection / union if iou > 0.5: pq_stat[gt_segms[gt_label]['category_id']].tp += 1 pq_stat[gt_segms[gt_label]['category_id']].iou += iou gt_matched.add(gt_label) pred_matched.add(pred_label) # count false positives crowd_labels_dict = {} for gt_label, gt_info in gt_segms.items(): if gt_label in gt_matched: continue # crowd segments are ignored if gt_info['iscrowd'] == 1: crowd_labels_dict[gt_info['category_id']] = gt_label continue pq_stat[gt_info['category_id']].fn += 1 # count false positives for pred_label, pred_info in pred_segms.items(): if pred_label in pred_matched: continue # intersection of the segment with VOID intersection = gt_pred_map.get((VOID, pred_label), 0) # plus intersection with corresponding CROWD region if it exists if pred_info['category_id'] in crowd_labels_dict: intersection += gt_pred_map.get( (crowd_labels_dict[pred_info['category_id']], pred_label), 0) # predicted segment is ignored if more than half of # the segment correspond to VOID and CROWD regions if intersection / pred_info['area'] > 0.5: continue pq_stat[pred_info['category_id']].fp += 1 if print_log: print('Core: {}, all {} images processed'.format( proc_id, len(annotation_set))) return pq_stat
[docs]def pq_compute_multi_core(matched_annotations_list, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories, file_client=None, nproc=32): """Evaluate the metrics of Panoptic Segmentation with multithreading. Same as the function with the same name in `panopticapi`. Args: matched_annotations_list (list): The matched annotation list. Each element is a tuple of annotations of the same image with the format (gt_anns, pred_anns). gt_folder (str): The path of the ground truth images. pred_folder (str): The path of the prediction images. categories (str): The categories of the dataset. file_client (object): The file client of the dataset. If None, the backend will be set to `disk`. nproc (int): Number of processes for panoptic quality computing. Defaults to 32. When `nproc` exceeds the number of cpu cores, the number of cpu cores is used. """ if PQStat is None: raise RuntimeError( 'panopticapi is not installed, please install it by: ' 'pip install git+' 'panopticapi.git.') if file_client is None: file_client_args = dict(backend='disk') file_client = mmcv.FileClient(**file_client_args) cpu_num = min(nproc, multiprocessing.cpu_count()) annotations_split = np.array_split(matched_annotations_list, cpu_num) print('Number of cores: {}, images per core: {}'.format( cpu_num, len(annotations_split[0]))) workers = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cpu_num) processes = [] for proc_id, annotation_set in enumerate(annotations_split): p = workers.apply_async(pq_compute_single_core, (proc_id, annotation_set, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories, file_client)) processes.append(p) # Close the process pool, otherwise it will lead to memory # leaking problems. workers.close() workers.join() pq_stat = PQStat() for p in processes: pq_stat += p.get() return pq_stat
METRICS.register_default_best_metric(CocoDetectionEvaluator, 'DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP', 'max') METRICS.register_default_best_metric(CocoMaskEvaluator, 'DetectionMasks_Precision/mAP', 'max') METRICS.register_default_best_metric(CoCoPoseTopDownEvaluator, 'AP', 'max') METRICS.register_default_best_metric(CocoPanopticEvaluator, 'PQ', 'max')