Source code for easycv.core.evaluation.mse_eval

# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
import torch

from .base_evaluator import Evaluator
from .builder import EVALUATORS
from .metric_registry import METRICS

[docs]@EVALUATORS.register_module class MSEEvaluator(Evaluator): """ MSEEvaluator evaluator, """
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset_name=None, metric_names=['avg_mse'], neck_num=None): ''' ''' self.metric = 'min' self.dataset_name = dataset_name self.neck_num = neck_num super(MSEEvaluator, self).__init__(dataset_name, metric_names)
def _evaluate_impl(self, results, gt_label): """ Retrival evaluate do the topK retrival, by measuring the distance of every 1 vs other. get the topK nearest, and count the match of ID. if Retrival = 1, Miss = 0. Finally average all RetrivalRate. """ # first print() is to show shape clearly in multi-process situation. don't comment it print() if self.neck_num is None: try: results = results.cuda() except: results = results['neck'].cuda() else: results = results['neck_%d_0' % self.neck_num].cuda() gt_label = gt_label.cuda() # print(results.shape) # print(gt_label.shape) if results.shape[1] > 1: n, c = results.size() prob = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(results) distribute = torch.arange(0, c).repeat(n, 1).to(results.device) results = (distribute * prob).sum(dim=1) eval_res = {} avg_mse = torch.mean(torch.abs(results - gt_label)) eval_res['avg_mse'] = avg_mse.item() return eval_res
METRICS.register_default_best_metric(MSEEvaluator, 'avg_mse', 'max')