Source code for easycv.datasets.classification.pipelines.transform

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from numbers import Number
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

from easycv.datasets.registry import PIPELINES

[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class MMRandomErasing(object): """Randomly selects a rectangle region in an image and erase pixels. Args: erase_prob (float): Probability that image will be randomly erased. Default: 0.5 min_area_ratio (float): Minimum erased area / input image area Default: 0.02 max_area_ratio (float): Maximum erased area / input image area Default: 0.4 aspect_range (sequence | float): Aspect ratio range of erased area. if float, it will be converted to (aspect_ratio, 1/aspect_ratio) Default: (3/10, 10/3) mode (str): Fill method in erased area, can be: - const (default): All pixels are assign with the same value. - rand: each pixel is assigned with a random value in [0, 255] fill_color (sequence | Number): Base color filled in erased area. Defaults to (128, 128, 128). fill_std (sequence | Number, optional): If set and ``mode`` is 'rand', fill erased area with random color from normal distribution (mean=fill_color, std=fill_std); If not set, fill erased area with random color from uniform distribution (0~255). Defaults to None. Note: See `Random Erasing Data Augmentation <>`_ This paper provided 4 modes: RE-R, RE-M, RE-0, RE-255, and use RE-M as default. The config of these 4 modes are: - RE-R: RandomErasing(mode='rand') - RE-M: RandomErasing(mode='const', fill_color=(123.67, 116.3, 103.5)) - RE-0: RandomErasing(mode='const', fill_color=0) - RE-255: RandomErasing(mode='const', fill_color=255) """
[docs] def __init__(self, erase_prob=0.5, min_area_ratio=0.02, max_area_ratio=0.4, aspect_range=(3 / 10, 10 / 3), mode='const', fill_color=(128, 128, 128), fill_std=None): assert isinstance(erase_prob, float) and 0. <= erase_prob <= 1. assert isinstance(min_area_ratio, float) and 0. <= min_area_ratio <= 1. assert isinstance(max_area_ratio, float) and 0. <= max_area_ratio <= 1. assert min_area_ratio <= max_area_ratio, \ 'min_area_ratio should be smaller than max_area_ratio' if isinstance(aspect_range, float): aspect_range = min(aspect_range, 1 / aspect_range) aspect_range = (aspect_range, 1 / aspect_range) assert isinstance(aspect_range, Sequence) and len(aspect_range) == 2 \ and all(isinstance(x, float) for x in aspect_range), \ 'aspect_range should be a float or Sequence with two float.' assert all(x > 0 for x in aspect_range), \ 'aspect_range should be positive.' assert aspect_range[0] <= aspect_range[1], \ 'In aspect_range (min, max), min should be smaller than max.' assert mode in ['const', 'rand'] if isinstance(fill_color, Number): fill_color = [fill_color] * 3 assert isinstance(fill_color, Sequence) and len(fill_color) == 3 \ and all(isinstance(x, Number) for x in fill_color), \ 'fill_color should be a float or Sequence with three int.' if fill_std is not None: if isinstance(fill_std, Number): fill_std = [fill_std] * 3 assert isinstance(fill_std, Sequence) and len(fill_std) == 3 \ and all(isinstance(x, Number) for x in fill_std), \ 'fill_std should be a float or Sequence with three int.' self.erase_prob = erase_prob self.min_area_ratio = min_area_ratio self.max_area_ratio = max_area_ratio self.aspect_range = aspect_range self.mode = mode self.fill_color = fill_color self.fill_std = fill_std
def _fill_pixels(self, img, top, left, h, w): if self.mode == 'const': patch = np.empty((h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8) patch[:, :] = np.array(self.fill_color, dtype=np.uint8) elif self.fill_std is None: # Uniform distribution patch = np.random.uniform(0, 256, (h, w, 3)).astype(np.uint8) else: # Normal distribution patch = np.random.normal(self.fill_color, self.fill_std, (h, w, 3)) patch = np.clip(patch.astype(np.int32), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) img[top:top + h, left:left + w] = patch return img def __call__(self, results): if np.random.rand() > self.erase_prob: return results for key in results.get('img_fields', ['img']): img = np.array(results[key]) img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2] # convert to log aspect to ensure equal probability of aspect ratio log_aspect_range = np.log( np.array(self.aspect_range, dtype=np.float32)) aspect_ratio = np.exp(np.random.uniform(*log_aspect_range)) area = img_h * img_w area *= np.random.uniform(self.min_area_ratio, self.max_area_ratio) h = min(int(round(np.sqrt(area * aspect_ratio))), img_h) w = min(int(round(np.sqrt(area / aspect_ratio))), img_w) top = np.random.randint(0, img_h - h) if img_h > h else 0 left = np.random.randint(0, img_w - w) if img_w > w else 0 img = self._fill_pixels(img, top, left, h, w) results[key] = Image.fromarray(img.astype(np.uint8)) return results def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += f'(erase_prob={self.erase_prob}, ' repr_str += f'min_area_ratio={self.min_area_ratio}, ' repr_str += f'max_area_ratio={self.max_area_ratio}, ' repr_str += f'aspect_range={self.aspect_range}, ' repr_str += f'mode={self.mode}, ' repr_str += f'fill_color={self.fill_color}, ' repr_str += f'fill_std={self.fill_std})' return repr_str