Source code for easycv.datasets.detection.data_sources.pai_format

# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
import json
import logging
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

import numpy as np

from easycv.datasets.detection.data_sources.base import DetSourceBase
from easycv.datasets.registry import DATASOURCES
from easycv.file import io
from easycv.framework.errors import NotImplementedError, ValueError

[docs]def get_prior_task_id(keys): """"The task id ends with `check` is the highest priority. """ k_list = [] check_k_list = [] verify_k_list = [] for k in keys: if k.startswith('label-'): if k.endswith('check'): check_k_list.append(k) elif k.endswith('verify'): verify_k_list.append(k) else: k_list.append(k) if len(check_k_list): return check_k_list if len(k_list): return k_list if len(verify_k_list): return verify_k_list return []
[docs]def is_itag_v2(row): """ The keyword of the data source is `picUrl` in v1, but is `source` in v2 """ if 'source' in row['data']: return True return False
[docs]def parser_manifest_row_str(row_str, classes): row = json.loads(row_str.strip()) _is_itag_v2 = is_itag_v2(row) parse_results = {} # check img_url img_url = row['data']['source'] if img_url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): logging.warning( 'Not support http url, only support `oss://`, skip the sample: %s!' % img_url) return parse_results # check task ids if _is_itag_v2: task_ids = get_prior_task_id(row.keys()) else: task_ids = [ row_k for row_k in row.keys() if row_k.startswith('label-') ] if len(task_ids) > 1: raise NotImplementedError('Not support multi label task ids: %s!' % task_ids) if not len(task_ids): logging.warning('Not find label task id in sample: %s, skip it!' % img_url) return parse_results ann_json = row[task_ids[0]] if not ann_json: return parse_results bboxes, gt_labels = [], [] for result in ann_json['results']: if result['type'] != 'image': continue objs_list = result['data'] for obj in objs_list: if _is_itag_v2: if obj['type'] != 'image/polygon': logging.warning( 'Result type should be `image/polygon`, but get %s, skip object %s in %s' % (obj['type'], obj, img_url)) continue sort_points = sorted(obj['value'], key=sum) (x0, y0, x1, y1) = np.concatenate( (sort_points[0], sort_points[-1]), axis=0) bboxes.append([x0, y0, x1, y1]) class_name = list(obj['labels'].values()) if len(class_name) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Not support multi label, get class name %s!' % class_name) gt_labels.append(classes.index(class_name[0])) else: if obj['type'] != 'image/rectangleLabel': logging.warning( 'result type [%s] in %s is not image/rectangleLabel, skip it!' % (obj['type'], img_url)) continue value = obj['value'] x, y, w, h = value['x'], value['y'], value['width'], value[ 'height'] bnd = [x, y, x + w, y + h] class_name = obj['labels'][0] bboxes.append(bnd) gt_labels.append(classes.index(class_name)) break if len(bboxes) == 0: bboxes = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) parse_results['filename'] = img_url parse_results['gt_bboxes'] = np.array(bboxes, dtype=np.float32) parse_results['gt_labels'] = np.array(gt_labels, dtype=np.int64) return parse_results
[docs]@DATASOURCES.register_module class DetSourcePAI(DetSourceBase): """ data format please refer to: """
[docs] def __init__(self, path, classes=[], cache_at_init=False, cache_on_the_fly=False, parse_fn=parser_manifest_row_str, num_processes=int(cpu_count() / 2), **kwargs): """ Args: path: Path of manifest path with pai label format classes: classes list cache_at_init: if set True, will cache in memory in __init__ for faster training cache_on_the_fly: if set True, will cache in memroy during training parse_fn: parse function to parse item of source iterator num_processes: number of processes to parse samples """ self.manifest_path = path super(DetSourcePAI, self).__init__( classes=classes, cache_at_init=cache_at_init, cache_on_the_fly=cache_on_the_fly, parse_fn=parse_fn, num_processes=num_processes)
[docs] def get_source_iterator(self): with, 'r') as f: rows = return rows