Source code for easycv.datasets.detection.raw

# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
import random

import numpy as np

from easycv.core.evaluation.coco_evaluation import CocoPanopticEvaluator
from easycv.core.visualization.image import imshow_bboxes
from easycv.datasets.detection.data_sources import DetSourceCoco
from easycv.datasets.registry import DATASETS
from easycv.datasets.shared.base import BaseDataset
from easycv.file.image import load_image
from easycv.framework.errors import TimeoutError

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module class DetDataset(BaseDataset): """Dataset for Detection """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_source, pipeline, profiling=False, classes=None): """ Args: data_source: Data_source config dict pipeline: Pipeline config list profiling: If set True, will print pipeline time classes: A list of class names, used in evaluation for result and groundtruth visualization """ self.classes = classes self.CLASSES = classes super(DetDataset, self).__init__( data_source, pipeline, profiling=profiling) self.num_samples = len(self.data_source)
def __len__(self): return self.num_samples def __getitem__(self, idx): count = 0 while True: if count > 10: raise TimeoutError('Loops timeout') data_dict = self.data_source[idx] data_dict = self.pipeline(data_dict) if data_dict is None: count += 1 if isinstance(self.data_source, DetSourceCoco): idx = self.data_source._rand_another(idx) else: idx = random.randint(0, self.num_samples - 1) continue return data_dict
[docs] def evaluate(self, results, evaluators=None, logger=None): '''Evaluates the detection boxes. Args: results: A dictionary containing detection_boxes: List of length number of test images. Float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, 4] and format [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] in absolute image coordinates. detection_scores: List of length number of test images, detection scores for the boxes, float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes]. detection_classes: List of length number of test images, integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing 1-indexed detection classes for the boxes. img_metas: List of length number of test images, dict of image meta info, containing filename, img_shape, origin_img_shape, scale_factor and so on. evaluators: evaluators to calculate metric with results and groundtruth_dict ''' eval_result = dict() groundtruth_dict = {} groundtruth_dict['groundtruth_boxes'] = [ self.data_source.get_ann_info(idx)['bboxes'] for idx in range(len(results['img_metas'])) ] groundtruth_dict['groundtruth_classes'] = [ self.data_source.get_ann_info(idx)['labels'] for idx in range(len(results['img_metas'])) ] groundtruth_dict['groundtruth_is_crowd'] = [ self.data_source.get_ann_info(idx)['groundtruth_is_crowd'] for idx in range(len(results['img_metas'])) ] groundtruth_dict['groundtruth_instance_masks'] = [ self.data_source.get_ann_info(idx).get('masks', None) for idx in range(len(results['img_metas'])) ] for evaluator in evaluators: if isinstance(evaluator, CocoPanopticEvaluator): result_files = self.data_source.results2json(results) gt_json, gt_folder, pred_json, pred_folder, categories = self.data_source.get_gt_json( result_files) eval_result.update( evaluator.evaluate(gt_json, gt_folder, pred_json, pred_folder, categories)) else: eval_result.update( evaluator.evaluate(results, groundtruth_dict)) return eval_result
[docs] def visualize(self, results, vis_num=10, score_thr=0.3, **kwargs): """Visulaize the model output on validation data. Args: results: A dictionary containing detection_boxes: List of length number of test images. Float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes, 4] and format [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] in absolute image coordinates. detection_scores: List of length number of test images, detection scores for the boxes, float32 numpy array of shape [num_boxes]. detection_classes: List of length number of test images, integer numpy array of shape [num_boxes] containing 1-indexed detection classes for the boxes. img_metas: List of length number of test images, dict of image meta info, containing filename, img_shape, origin_img_shape, scale_factor and so on. vis_num: number of images visualized score_thr: The threshold to filter box, boxes with scores greater than score_thr will be kept. Returns: A dictionary containing images: Visulaized images. img_metas: List of length number of test images, dict of image meta info, containing filename, img_shape, origin_img_shape, scale_factor and so on. """ class_names = None if hasattr(self.data_source, 'CLASSES'): class_names = self.data_source.CLASSES elif hasattr(self.data_source, 'classes'): class_names = self.data_source.classes # If class_names is not None, class_id will be converted to class_name for visualization, # otherwise the class_id will be displayed. # And don't try to modify the value in results, it may cause some bugs or even precision problems, # because `self.evaluate` will also use the results, refer to: if class_names is not None and len(class_names) > 0: detection_classes = [] for classes_id in results['detection_classes']: if classes_id is None: detection_classes.append(None) else: detection_classes.append( np.array([class_names[int(id)] for id in classes_id])) else: detection_classes = results.get('detection_classes', []) vis_imgs = [] img_metas = results['img_metas'][:vis_num] detection_boxes = results.get('detection_boxes', []) detection_scores = results.get('detection_scores', []) for i, img_meta in enumerate(img_metas): filename = img_meta['filename'] bboxes = np.array( []) if detection_boxes[i] is None else detection_boxes[i] scores = detection_scores[i] classes = detection_classes[i] if scores is not None and score_thr > 0: inds = scores > score_thr bboxes = bboxes[inds] classes = classes[inds] img = load_image(filename) vis_img = imshow_bboxes( img=img, bboxes=bboxes, labels=classes, show=False) vis_imgs.append(vis_img) output = {'images': vis_imgs, 'img_metas': img_metas} return output