Source code for easycv.datasets.shared.odps_reader

# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
import base64
import os
import time
from random import randint

import numpy as np
import requests
from mmcv.runner import get_dist_info
from PIL import Image, ImageFile

from easycv.datasets.registry import DATASOURCES
from easycv.file import io


data_cache = {}

SUPPORT_IMAGE_TYPE = ['url', 'base64']

[docs]def set_dataloader_workid(value): global DATALOADER_WORKID DATALOADER_WORKID = value
[docs]def set_dataloader_worknum(value): global DATALOADER_WORKNUM DATALOADER_WORKNUM = value
[docs]def get_dist_image(img_url, max_try=10): img = None try_idx = 0 while try_idx < max_try: try: # http url if img_url.startswith('http'): img =, stream=True).raw).convert('RGB') # oss url else: img =, 'rb')).convert('RGB') except: print('Try read file fault, %s' % img_url) time.sleep(1) img = None try_idx += 1 if img is not None: break return img
[docs]@DATASOURCES.register_module class OdpsReader(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, table_name, selected_cols=[], excluded_cols=[], random_start=False, odps_io_config=None, image_col=['url_image'], image_type=['url']): """Init odps reader and datasource set to load data from odps table Args: table_name (str): odps table to load selected_cols (list(str)): select column excluded_cols (list(str)): exclude column random_start (bool): random start for odps table odps_io_config (dict): odps config contains access_id, access_key, endpoint image_col (list(str)): image column names image_type (list(str)): image column types support url/base64, must be same length with image type or 0 Returns : None """ assert (odps_io_config is not None), 'odps_io_config should be set for OdpsReader !' # set odps config if odps_io_config is not None: assert 'access_id' in odps_io_config.keys( ), 'odps_io_config should contains access_id' assert 'access_key' in odps_io_config.keys( ), 'odps_io_config should contains access_key' assert 'end_point' in odps_io_config.keys( ), 'odps_io_config should contains end_point' # distributed env, especially on PAI-Studio. if not os.path.exists('.odps_io_config'): write_idx = 0 while not os.path.exists('.odps_io_config') and write_idx < 10: write_idx += 1 try: with open('.odps_io_config', 'w') as f: f.write('access_id=%s\n' % (odps_io_config['access_id'])) f.write('access_key=%s\n' % (odps_io_config['access_key'])) f.write('end_point=%s\n' % (odps_io_config['end_point'])) except: pass os.environ['ODPS_CONFIG_FILE_PATH'] = '.odps_config' # set distribute read rank, world_size = get_dist_info() # there are two multi process world for dataset, first multi-gpu worker, secord multi process for per GPU self.dataloader_init = False # keep input args assert ( type(image_type) == list and type(image_col) == list ), 'image_col, image_type for OdpsReader must be set as list of (column name), list of (image type)' assert (len(image_type) == len(image_col)) self.selected_cols = selected_cols self.excluded_cols = excluded_cols self.rank = rank self.ddp_world_size = world_size self.table_name = table_name self.random_start = random_start # init for reader import common_io self.reader = common_io.table.TableReader( self.table_name, slice_id=self.rank, slice_count=self.ddp_world_size, selected_cols=','.join(self.selected_cols), excluded_cols=','.join(self.excluded_cols), ) self.length = self.reader.get_row_count() self.world_size = self.ddp_world_size if self.random_start: self.idx = randint(0, self.length) else: self.idx = 0 # init for find image self.schema = self.reader.get_schema() self.schema_name = [i[0] for i in self.schema] # find base64 image in odps schema self.base64_image_idx = [] self.url_image_idx = [] for idx, s in enumerate(self.schema): if s[0] in image_col: assert ( s[1] == 'string' ), 'ODPS image column must be string type, %s is %s !' % (s[0], s[1]) idx_type = image_type[image_col.index(s[0])] assert ( idx_type in SUPPORT_IMAGE_TYPE ), 'image_type must set in support image type : url / base64' if idx_type == 'url': self.url_image_idx.append(idx) if idx_type == 'base64': self.base64_image_idx.append(idx) delattr(self, 'reader') return
def __len__(self): return self.length * self.world_size
[docs] def reset_reader(self, dataloader_workid, dataloader_worknum): import common_io self.reader = common_io.table.TableReader( self.table_name, slice_id=self.rank * dataloader_worknum + dataloader_workid, slice_count=self.ddp_world_size * dataloader_worknum, selected_cols=','.join(self.selected_cols), excluded_cols=','.join(self.excluded_cols), ) self.length = self.reader.get_row_count() self.world_size = self.ddp_world_size * dataloader_worknum if self.random_start: self.idx = randint(0, self.length) else: self.idx = 0
def __getitem__(self, idx): global DATALOADER_WORKID global DATALOADER_WORKNUM # we must del reader before init to support pytorch dataloader multi-process if not hasattr(self, 'reader'): import common_io self.reader = common_io.table.TableReader( self.table_name, slice_id=self.rank, slice_count=self.ddp_world_size, selected_cols=','.join(self.selected_cols), excluded_cols=','.join(self.excluded_cols), ) if not self.dataloader_init: # num_per_gpu = 1 means we should not split reader if DATALOADER_WORKNUM == 1: self.dataloader_init = True elif DATALOADER_WORKNUM < 1: print('num_per_gpu for OdpsReader should >= 1') else: # if DATALOADER_WORKID == -1: assert ( DATALOADER_WORKID > -1 ), "num_per_gpu for OdpsReader > 1, but DATALOADER_WORKNUM didn't be set by work_fn, False" self.reset_reader(DATALOADER_WORKID, DATALOADER_WORKNUM) self.dataloader_init = True self.idx += 1 t =[0] if self.idx == self.length: self.idx = 0 return_dict = {} # need set oss_io before for idx, m in enumerate(t): if idx in self.base64_image_idx: return_dict[self.schema_name[idx]] = Image.fromarray( np.frombuffer(self.b64_decode(m))) elif idx in self.url_image_idx: return_dict[self.schema_name[idx]] = get_dist_image(m, 5) else: return_dict[self.schema_name[idx]] = m return return_dict
[docs] def b64_decode(string): return base64.decodebytes(string.encode())