Source code for easycv.predictors.base

# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
import json
import logging
import os
import pickle

import cv2
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmcv.parallel import collate, scatter_kwargs
from PIL import Image, ImageFile
from torch.hub import load_state_dict_from_url
from torchvision.transforms import Compose

from easycv.datasets.registry import PIPELINES
from easycv.file import io
from easycv.file.utils import is_url_path
from easycv.framework.errors import ValueError
from easycv.models.builder import build_model
from easycv.utils.checkpoint import load_checkpoint
from easycv.utils.config_tools import Config, mmcv_config_fromfile
from easycv.utils.constant import CACHE_DIR
from easycv.utils.logger import get_root_logger
from easycv.utils.mmlab_utils import (dynamic_adapt_for_mmlab,
from easycv.utils.registry import build_from_cfg

[docs]class NumpyToPIL(object): def __call__(self, results): img = results['img'] results['img'] = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img)).convert('RGB') return results
[docs]class Predictor(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, model_path, numpy_to_pil=True): self.model_path = model_path self.numpy_to_pil = numpy_to_pil assert io.exists(self.model_path), f'{self.model_path} does not exists' with, 'rb') as infile: checkpoint = torch.load(infile, map_location='cpu') assert 'meta' in checkpoint and 'config' in checkpoint[ 'meta'], 'meta.config is missing from checkpoint' config_str = checkpoint['meta']['config'] # get config basename = os.path.basename(self.model_path) fname, _ = os.path.splitext(basename) self.local_config_file = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, f'{fname}_config.json') if not os.path.exists(CACHE_DIR): os.makedirs(CACHE_DIR) with open(self.local_config_file, 'w') as ofile: ofile.write(config_str) self.cfg = mmcv_config_fromfile(self.local_config_file) # build model self.model = build_model(self.cfg.model) self.device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' map_location = 'cpu' if self.device == 'cpu' else 'cuda' self.ckpt = load_checkpoint( self.model, self.model_path, map_location=map_location) self.model.eval() # build pipeline pipeline = [ build_from_cfg(p, PIPELINES) for p in self.cfg.test_pipeline ] if self.numpy_to_pil: pipeline = [NumpyToPIL()] + pipeline self.pipeline = Compose(pipeline)
[docs] def preprocess(self, image_list): # only perform transform to img output_imgs_list = [] for img in image_list: tmp_input = {'img': img} tmp_results = self.pipeline(tmp_input) output_imgs_list.append(tmp_results['img']) return output_imgs_list
[docs] def predict_batch(self, image_batch, **forward_kwargs): """ predict using batched data Args: image_batch(torch.Tensor): tensor with shape [N, 3, H, W] forward_kwargs: kwargs for additional parameters Return: output: the output of model.forward, list or tuple """ with torch.no_grad(): output = self.model.forward(, **forward_kwargs) return output
[docs]class InputProcessor(object): """Base input processor for processing input samples. Args: cfg (Config): Config instance. pipelines (list[dict]): Data pipeline configs. batch_size (int): batch size for forward. threads (int): Number of processes to process inputs. mode (str): The image mode into the model. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg, pipelines=None, batch_size=1, threads=8, mode='BGR'): self.cfg = cfg self.pipelines = pipelines self.batch_size = batch_size if self.batch_size < threads: logging.warning( f'``batch_size`` is less than ``threads``, set ``threads`` to {self.batch_size }' ) self.threads = min(self.batch_size, threads) self.mode = mode self.processor = self.build_processor() self._load_op = None
[docs] def build_processor(self): """Build processor to process loaded input. If you need custom preprocessing ops, you need to reimplement it. """ if self.pipelines is not None: pipelines = self.pipelines else: pipelines = self.cfg.get('test_pipeline', []) pipelines = [build_from_cfg(p, PIPELINES) for p in pipelines] from easycv.datasets.shared.pipelines.transforms import Compose processor = Compose(pipelines) return processor
def _load_input(self, input): """Load image from file or numpy or PIL object. Args: input: File path or numpy or PIL object. Returns: { 'filename': filename, 'img': img, 'img_shape': img_shape, 'img_fields': ['img'] } """ if self._load_op is None: load_cfg = dict(type='LoadImage', mode=self.mode) self._load_op = build_from_cfg(load_cfg, PIPELINES) if not isinstance(input, str): if isinstance(input, np.ndarray): # Only support RGB mode if input is np.ndarray. input = cv2.cvtColor(input, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) sample = self._load_op({'img': input}) else: sample = self._load_op({'filename': input}) return sample def _collate_fn(self, inputs): """Prepare the input just before the forward function. Puts each data field into a tensor with outer dimension batch size """ return collate(inputs, samples_per_gpu=self.batch_size)
[docs] def process_single(self, input): """Process single input sample. If you need custom ops to load or process a single input sample, you need to reimplement it. """ input = self._load_input(input) return self.processor(input)
def _process_single_for_parallel(self, i, *args, **kwargs): # Fix hang issue with multi processes, refer to: # Torch dataloder also set num_threads to 1 when num_workers>0, refer to: # set_num_threads only valid in subprocesses, no need to reset for the main process torch.set_num_threads(1) return i, self.process_single(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, inputs): """Process all inputs list. And collate to batch and put to target device. If you need custom ops to load or process a batch samples, you need to reimplement it. """ batch_outputs = [] threads = min(self.threads, len(inputs)) if threads <= 1: for inp in inputs: batch_outputs.append(self.process_single(inp)) else: import concurrent.futures batch_outputs_with_idx = [] futures = [] with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(threads) as executor: for i, inp in enumerate(inputs): future = executor.submit(self._process_single_for_parallel, i, inp) futures.append(future) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): batch_outputs_with_idx.append(future.result()) batch_outputs_with_idx = sorted( batch_outputs_with_idx, key=lambda item: item[0]) batch_outputs = [out[1] for out in batch_outputs_with_idx] return self._collate_fn(batch_outputs)
[docs]class OutputProcessor(object): """Base output processor for processing model outputs. """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
def _get_batch_size(self, inputs): for k, batch_v in inputs.items(): if isinstance(batch_v, dict): batch_size = self._get_batch_size(batch_v) elif batch_v is not None: batch_size = len(batch_v) break else: batch_size = 1 return batch_size def _extract_ith_result(self, inputs, i, out_i): for k, batch_v in inputs.items(): if isinstance(batch_v, dict): out_i[k] = {} self._extract_ith_result(batch_v, i, out_i[k]) elif batch_v is not None: out_i[k] = batch_v[i] else: out_i[k] = None return out_i
[docs] def process_single(self, inputs): """Process outputs of single sample. If you need add some processing ops, you need to reimplement it. """ return inputs
def __call__(self, inputs): """Process model batch outputs. The "inputs" should be dict format as follows: { "key1": torch.Tensor or list, the first dimension should be batch_size, "key2": torch.Tensor or list, the first dimension should be batch_size, ... } """ outputs = [] batch_size = self._get_batch_size(inputs) for i in range(batch_size): out_i = self._extract_ith_result(inputs, i, {}) out_i = self.process_single(out_i) outputs.append(out_i) return outputs
[docs]class PredictorV2(object): """Base predict pipeline. Args: model_path (str): Path of model path. config_file (Optinal[str]): config file path for model and processor to init. Defaults to None. batch_size (int): batch size for forward. device (str | torch.device): Support str('cuda' or 'cpu') or torch.device, if is None, detect device automatically. save_results (bool): Whether to save predict results. save_path (str): File path for saving results, only valid when `save_results` is True. pipelines (list[dict]): Data pipeline configs. input_processor_threads (int): Number of processes to process inputs. mode (str): The image mode into the model. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model_path, config_file=None, batch_size=1, device=None, save_results=False, save_path=None, pipelines=None, input_processor_threads=8, mode='BGR'): self.logger = get_root_logger() self.model_path = model_path self.batch_size = batch_size self.save_results = save_results self.save_path = save_path self.config_file = config_file self.pipelines = pipelines self.input_processor_threads = input_processor_threads self.mode = mode if self.save_results: assert self.save_path is not None self.device = device if self.device is None: self.device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' if config_file is not None: if isinstance(config_file, str): self.cfg = mmcv_config_fromfile(config_file) else: self.cfg = config_file else: self.cfg = self._load_cfg_from_ckpt(self.model_path) if self.cfg is None: raise ValueError('Please provide "config_file"!') if self.cfg.get('predict', None) is not None: self._sync_cfg_predict(self.cfg.predict) # avoid unnecessarily loading backbone weights from url if 'model' in self.cfg and 'pretrained' in self.cfg.model: self.cfg.model.pretrained = None self.model = self.prepare_model() self.input_processor = None self.output_processor = None
[docs] def get_input_processor(self): return InputProcessor( self.cfg, pipelines=self.pipelines, batch_size=self.batch_size, threads=self.input_processor_threads, mode=self.mode)
[docs] def get_output_processor(self): return OutputProcessor()
def _sync_cfg_predict(self, predict_cfg): if predict_cfg.get('type', None) is not None: assert predict_cfg[ 'type'] == self.__class__.__name__, f'Predictor name is not equal {predict_cfg["type"]} != {self.__class__.__name__}' for k, v in predict_cfg.items(): if k == 'type': continue setattr(self, k, v) self.logger.warning( f'Set "{self.__class__.__name__}.{k}" to "{v}" !') def _load_cfg_from_ckpt(self, model_path): if is_url_path(model_path): ckpt = load_state_dict_from_url(model_path) else: with, 'rb') as infile: ckpt = torch.load(infile, map_location='cpu') cfg = None if 'meta' in ckpt and 'config' in ckpt['meta']: cfg = ckpt['meta']['config'] if isinstance(cfg, dict): cfg = Config(cfg) elif isinstance(cfg, str): cfg = Config(json.loads(cfg)) return cfg
[docs] def prepare_model(self): """Build model from config file by default. If the model is not loaded from a configuration file, e.g. torch jit model, you need to reimplement it. """ model = self._build_model() model.eval() load_checkpoint(model, self.model_path, map_location='cpu') return model
def _build_model(self): # Use mmdet model dynamic_adapt_for_mmlab(self.cfg) model = build_model(self.cfg.model) # remove adapt for mmdet to avoid conflict using mmdet models remove_adapt_for_mmlab(self.cfg) return model
[docs] def model_forward(self, inputs): """Model forward. If you need refactor model forward, you need to reimplement it. """ with torch.no_grad(): outputs = self.model(**inputs, mode='test') return outputs
def _to_device(self, inputs): target_gpus = [-1] if str( self.device) == 'cpu' else [torch.cuda.current_device()] _, kwargs = scatter_kwargs(None, inputs, target_gpus=target_gpus) return kwargs[0]
[docs] def dump(self, obj, save_path, mode='wb'): with open(save_path, mode) as f: f.write(pickle.dumps(obj))
def __call__(self, inputs, keep_inputs=False): if self.input_processor is None: self.input_processor = self.get_input_processor() if self.output_processor is None: self.output_processor = self.get_output_processor() # TODO: fault tolerance if isinstance(inputs, (str, np.ndarray, ImageFile.ImageFile)): inputs = [inputs] results_list = [] prog_bar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(inputs)) for i in range(0, len(inputs), self.batch_size): batch_inputs = inputs[i:min(len(inputs), i + self.batch_size)] batch_outputs = self.input_processor(batch_inputs) if len(batch_outputs) < 1: results_list.append(batch_outputs) continue batch_outputs = self._to_device(batch_outputs) batch_outputs = self.model_forward(batch_outputs) results = self.output_processor(batch_outputs) if keep_inputs: for i in range(len(batch_inputs)): results[i].update({'inputs': batch_inputs[i]}) if isinstance(results, list): results_list.extend(results) else: results_list.append(results) prog_bar.update(len(batch_inputs)) # TODO: support append to file if self.save_results: self.dump(results_list, self.save_path) return results_list