Source code for easycv.predictors.detector

# Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
import json
import os
from glob import glob

import numpy as np
import torch

from easycv.core.visualization import imshow_bboxes
from easycv.datasets.utils import replace_ImageToTensor
from easycv.file import io
from easycv.models.detection.utils import postprocess
from easycv.thirdparty.mtcnn import FaceDetector
from easycv.utils.checkpoint import load_checkpoint
from easycv.utils.misc import deprecated
from .base import InputProcessor, OutputProcessor, PredictorV2
from .builder import PREDICTORS
from .classifier import TorchClassifier

    from easy_vision.python.inference.predictor import PredictorInterface
except Exception:
    from .interface import PredictorInterface

# 将张量转化为ndarray格式
[docs]def onnx_to_numpy(tensor): return tensor.detach().cpu().numpy( ) if tensor.requires_grad else tensor.cpu().numpy()
[docs]class DetInputProcessor(InputProcessor):
[docs] def build_processor(self): if self.pipelines is not None: pipelines = self.pipelines elif self.cfg is None: pipelines = [] else: pipelines = self.cfg.get('test_pipeline', []) # for batch inference self.pipelines = replace_ImageToTensor(pipelines) return super().build_processor()
[docs]class DetOutputProcessor(OutputProcessor):
[docs] def __init__(self, score_thresh, classes=None): super(DetOutputProcessor, self).__init__() self.score_thresh = score_thresh self.classes = classes
[docs] def process_single(self, inputs): if inputs['detection_scores'] is None or len( inputs['detection_scores']) < 1: return inputs scores = inputs['detection_scores'] if scores is not None and self.score_thresh > 0: keeped_ids = scores > self.score_thresh inputs['detection_scores'] = inputs['detection_scores'][keeped_ids] inputs['detection_boxes'] = inputs['detection_boxes'][keeped_ids] inputs['detection_classes'] = inputs['detection_classes'][ keeped_ids] class_names = [] for _, classes_id in enumerate(inputs['detection_classes']): if classes_id is None: class_names.append(None) elif self.classes is not None and len(self.classes) > 0: class_names.append(self.classes[int(classes_id)]) else: class_names.append(classes_id) inputs['detection_class_names'] = class_names return inputs
[docs]@PREDICTORS.register_module() class DetectionPredictor(PredictorV2): """Generic Detection Predictor, it will filter bbox results by ``score_threshold`` . Args: model_path (str): Path of model path. config_file (Optinal[str]): config file path for model and processor to init. Defaults to None. batch_size (int): batch size for forward. device (str | torch.device): Support str('cuda' or 'cpu') or torch.device, if is None, detect device automatically. save_results (bool): Whether to save predict results. save_path (str): File path for saving results, only valid when `save_results` is True. pipelines (list[dict]): Data pipeline configs. input_processor_threads (int): Number of processes to process inputs. mode (str): The image mode into the model. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model_path, config_file=None, batch_size=1, device=None, save_results=False, save_path=None, pipelines=None, score_threshold=0.5, input_processor_threads=8, mode='BGR', *arg, **kwargs): super(DetectionPredictor, self).__init__( model_path, config_file=config_file, batch_size=batch_size, device=device, save_results=save_results, save_path=save_path, pipelines=pipelines, input_processor_threads=input_processor_threads, mode=mode) self.score_thresh = score_threshold self.CLASSES = self.cfg.get('CLASSES', None)
[docs] def get_input_processor(self): return DetInputProcessor( self.cfg, pipelines=self.pipelines, batch_size=self.batch_size, threads=self.input_processor_threads, mode=self.mode)
[docs] def get_output_processor(self): return DetOutputProcessor(self.score_thresh, self.CLASSES)
[docs] def visualize(self, img, results, show=False, out_file=None): """Only support show one sample now.""" bboxes = results['detection_boxes'] labels = results['detection_class_names'] img = self.input_processor._load_input(img)['img'] imshow_bboxes( img, bboxes, labels=labels, colors='cyan', text_color='cyan', font_size=18, thickness=2, font_scale=0.0, show=show, out_file=out_file)
class _JitProcessorWrapper: def __init__(self, processor, device) -> None: self.processor = processor self.device = device def __call__(self, results): if self.processor is not None: from mmcv.parallel import DataContainer as DC outputs = {} img = results['img'] img = torch.from_numpy(img).to(self.device) img, img_meta = self.processor(img.unsqueeze(0)) # process batch outputs['img'] = DC( img.squeeze(0), stack=True) # DC wrapper for collate batch and to device outputs['img_metas'] = DC(img_meta, cpu_only=True) return outputs return results
[docs]class YoloXInputProcessor(DetInputProcessor): """Input processor for yolox. Args: cfg (Config): Config instance. pipelines (list[dict]): Data pipeline configs. batch_size (int): batch size for forward. model_type (str): "raw" or "jit" or "blade" jit_processor_path (str): File of the saved processing operator of torch jit type. device (str | torch.device): Support str('cuda' or 'cpu') or torch.device, if is None, detect device automatically. threads (int): Number of processes to process inputs. mode (str): The image mode into the model. """
[docs] def __init__( self, cfg, pipelines=None, batch_size=1, model_type='raw', jit_processor_path=None, device=None, threads=8, mode='BGR', ): self.model_type = model_type self.jit_processor_path = jit_processor_path self.device = device if self.device is None: self.device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' super().__init__( cfg, pipelines=pipelines, batch_size=batch_size, threads=threads, mode=mode)
[docs] def build_processor(self): self.jit_preprocess = False if self.model_type != 'raw': if hasattr(self.cfg, 'export'): self.jit_preprocess = self.cfg['export'].get( 'preprocess_jit', False) if self.model_type != 'raw' and self.jit_preprocess: # jit or blade model processor = None if os.path.exists(self.jit_processor_path): if self.threads > 1: raise ValueError( 'Not support threads>1 for jit processor !') # use a preprocess jit model to speed up with, 'rb') as infile: processor = torch.jit.load(infile, self.device) return _JitProcessorWrapper(processor, self.device) else: return super().build_processor()
[docs]class YoloXOutputProcessor(DetOutputProcessor):
[docs] def __init__(self, score_thresh=0.5, model_type='raw', test_conf=0.01, nms_thre=0.65, use_trt_efficientnms=False, classes=None): super().__init__(score_thresh, classes) self.model_type = model_type self.test_conf = test_conf self.nms_thre = nms_thre self.use_trt_efficientnms = use_trt_efficientnms
[docs] def post_assign(self, outputs, img_metas): detection_boxes = [] detection_scores = [] detection_classes = [] img_metas_list = [] for i in range(len(outputs)): if img_metas: img_metas_list.append(img_metas[i]) if outputs[i].requires_grad == True: outputs[i] = outputs[i].detach() if outputs[i] is not None: bboxes = outputs[i][:, 0:4] if outputs[i] is not None else None if img_metas: bboxes /= img_metas[i]['scale_factor'][0] detection_boxes.append(bboxes.cpu().numpy()) detection_scores.append( (outputs[i][:, 4] * outputs[i][:, 5]).cpu().numpy()) detection_classes.append(outputs[i][:, 6].cpu().numpy().astype( np.int32)) else: detection_boxes.append(None) detection_scores.append(None) detection_classes.append(None) test_outputs = { 'detection_boxes': detection_boxes, 'detection_scores': detection_scores, 'detection_classes': detection_classes, 'img_metas': img_metas_list } return test_outputs
[docs] def process_single(self, inputs): det_out = inputs img_meta = det_out['img_metas'] if self.model_type != 'raw': results = det_out['results'] if self.use_trt_efficientnms: det_out = {} det_out['detection_boxes'] = results[1] / img_meta[ 'scale_factor'][0] det_out['detection_scores'] = results[2] det_out['detection_classes'] = results[3] else: if self.model_type == 'jit': det_out = self.post_assign( results.unsqueeze(0), img_metas=[img_meta]) else: det_out = self.post_assign( postprocess( results.unsqueeze(0), len(self.classes), self.test_conf, self.nms_thre), img_metas=[img_meta]) det_out['detection_scores'] = det_out['detection_scores'][0] det_out['detection_boxes'] = det_out['detection_boxes'][0] det_out['detection_classes'] = det_out['detection_classes'][0] resuts = super().process_single(det_out) resuts['ori_img_shape'] = list(img_meta['ori_img_shape'][:2]) return resuts
[docs]@PREDICTORS.register_module() class YoloXPredictor(DetectionPredictor): """Detection predictor for Yolox. Args: model_path (str): Path of model path. config_file (Optinal[str]): config file path for model and processor to init. Defaults to None. batch_size (int): batch size for forward. use_trt_efficientnms (bool): Whether used tensorrt efficient nms operation in the saved model. device (str | torch.device): Support str('cuda' or 'cpu') or torch.device, if is None, detect device automatically. save_results (bool): Whether to save predict results. save_path (str): File path for saving results, only valid when `save_results` is True. pipelines (list[dict]): Data pipeline configs. max_det (int): Maximum number of detection output boxes. score_thresh (float): Score threshold to filter box. nms_thresh (float): Nms threshold to filter box. input_processor_threads (int): Number of processes to process inputs. mode (str): The image mode into the model. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model_path, config_file=None, batch_size=1, use_trt_efficientnms=False, device=None, save_results=False, save_path=None, pipelines=None, max_det=100, score_thresh=0.5, nms_thresh=None, test_conf=None, input_processor_threads=8, mode='BGR', model_type=None): self.max_det = max_det self.use_trt_efficientnms = use_trt_efficientnms self.model_type = model_type if self.model_type is None: if model_path.endswith('jit'): self.model_type = 'jit' elif model_path.endswith('blade'): self.model_type = 'blade' elif model_path.endswith('onnx'): self.model_type = 'onnx' else: self.model_type = 'raw' assert self.model_type in ['raw', 'jit', 'blade', 'onnx'] if self.model_type == 'blade' or self.use_trt_efficientnms: import torch_blade if self.model_type != 'raw' and config_file is None: config_file = model_path + '.config.json' super(YoloXPredictor, self).__init__( model_path, config_file=config_file, batch_size=batch_size, device=device, save_results=save_results, save_path=save_path, pipelines=pipelines, score_threshold=score_thresh, input_processor_threads=input_processor_threads, mode=mode) self.test_conf = test_conf or self.cfg['model'].get('test_conf', 0.01) self.nms_thre = nms_thresh or self.cfg['model'].get('nms_thre', 0.65) self.CLASSES = self.cfg.get('CLASSES', None) or self.cfg.get( 'classes', None) assert self.CLASSES is not None self.jit_processor_path = '.'.join( self.model_path.split('.')[:-1] + ['preprocess'])
def _build_model(self): if self.model_type != 'raw': if self.model_type != 'onnx': with, 'rb') as infile: model = torch.jit.load(infile, self.device) else: import onnxruntime if onnxruntime.get_device() == 'GPU': model = onnxruntime.InferenceSession( self.model_path, providers=['CUDAExecutionProvider']) else: model = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(self.model_path) else: from easycv.utils.misc import reparameterize_models model = super()._build_model() model = reparameterize_models(model) return model
[docs] def prepare_model(self): """Build model from config file by default. If the model is not loaded from a configuration file, e.g. torch jit model, you need to reimplement it. """ model = self._build_model() if self.model_type != 'onnx': model.eval() if self.model_type == 'raw': load_checkpoint(model, self.model_path, map_location='cpu') return model
[docs] def model_forward(self, inputs): """Model forward. If you need refactor model forward, you need to reimplement it. """ if self.model_type != 'raw': with torch.no_grad(): if self.model_type != 'onnx': outputs = self.model(inputs['img']) else: outputs = None, { self.model.get_inputs()[0].name: onnx_to_numpy(inputs['img']) })[0] outputs = torch.from_numpy(outputs) outputs = {'results': outputs} # convert to dict format else: outputs = super().model_forward(inputs) if 'img_metas' not in outputs: outputs['img_metas'] = inputs['img_metas'] return outputs
[docs] def get_input_processor(self): return YoloXInputProcessor( self.cfg, pipelines=self.pipelines, batch_size=self.batch_size, model_type=self.model_type, jit_processor_path=self.jit_processor_path, device=self.device, threads=self.input_processor_threads, mode=self.mode, )
[docs] def get_output_processor(self): return YoloXOutputProcessor( score_thresh=self.score_thresh, model_type=self.model_type, test_conf=self.test_conf, nms_thre=self.nms_thre, use_trt_efficientnms=self.use_trt_efficientnms, classes=self.CLASSES)
@deprecated(reason='Please use YoloXPredictor.') @PREDICTORS.register_module() class TorchYoloXPredictor(YoloXPredictor): def __init__(self, model_path, max_det=100, score_thresh=0.5, use_trt_efficientnms=False, model_config=None, input_processor_threads=8, mode='BGR'): """ Args: model_path: model file path max_det: maximum number of detection score_thresh: score_thresh to filter box model_config: config string for model to init, in json format """ if model_config: if isinstance(model_config, str): model_config = json.loads(model_config) else: model_config = {} score_thresh = model_config[ 'score_thresh'] if 'score_thresh' in model_config else score_thresh super().__init__( model_path, config_file=None, batch_size=1, use_trt_efficientnms=use_trt_efficientnms, device=None, save_results=False, save_path=None, pipelines=None, max_det=max_det, score_thresh=score_thresh, nms_thresh=None, test_conf=None, input_processor_threads=input_processor_threads, mode=mode) def predict(self, input_data_list, batch_size=-1, to_numpy=True): return super().__call__(input_data_list)
[docs]@PREDICTORS.register_module() class TorchFaceDetector(PredictorInterface):
[docs] def __init__(self, model_path=None, model_config=None): """ init model, add a facedetect and align for img input. Args: model_path: model file path model_config: config string for model to init, in json format """ self.detector = FaceDetector()
[docs] def get_output_type(self): """ in this function user should return a type dict, which indicates which type of data should the output of predictor be converted to * type json, data will be serialized to json str * type image, data will be converted to encode image binary and write to oss file, whose name is output_dir/${key}/${input_filename}_${idx}.jpg, where input_filename is the base filename extracted from url, key corresponds to the key in the dict of output_type, if the type of data indexed by key is a list, idx is the index of element in list, otherwhile ${idx} will be empty * type video, data will be converted to encode video binary and write to oss file, :: return { 'image': 'image', 'feature': 'json' } indicating that the image data in the output dict will be save to image file and feature in output dict will be converted to json """ return {}
[docs] def batch(self, image_tensor_list): return torch.stack(image_tensor_list)
[docs] def predict(self, input_data_list, batch_size=-1, threshold=0.95): """ using session run predict a number of samples using batch_size Args: input_data_list: a list of numpy array, each array is a sample to be predicted batch_size: batch_size passed by the caller, you can also ignore this param and use a fixed number if you do not want to adjust batch_size in runtime Return: result: a list of dict, each dict is the prediction result of one sample eg, {"output1": value1, "output2": value2}, the value type can be python int str float, and numpy array Raise: if detect !=1 face in a img, then do nothing for this image """ num_image = len(input_data_list) assert len( input_data_list) > 0, 'input images should not be an empty list' image_list = input_data_list outputs_list = [] for idx, img in enumerate(image_list): if type(img) is not np.ndarray: img = np.asarray(img) ori_img_shape = img.shape[:2] bbox, ld = self.detector.safe_detect(img) _scores = np.array([i[-1] for i in bbox]) boxes = [] scores = [] for idx, s in enumerate(_scores): if s > threshold: boxes.append(bbox[idx][:-1]) scores.append(bbox[idx][-1]) boxes = np.array(boxes) scores = np.array(scores) out = { 'ori_img_shape': list(ori_img_shape), 'detection_boxes': boxes, 'detection_scores': scores, 'detection_classes': [0] * boxes.shape[0], 'detection_class_names': ['face'] * boxes.shape[0], } outputs_list.append(out) return outputs_list
[docs]@PREDICTORS.register_module() class TorchYoloXClassifierPredictor(PredictorInterface):
[docs] def __init__(self, models_root_dir, max_det=100, cls_score_thresh=0.01, det_model_config=None, cls_model_config=None): """ init model, add a yolox and classification predictor for img input. Args: models_root_dir: models_root_dir/detection/*.pth and models_root_dir/classification/*.pth det_model_config: config string for detection model to init, in json format cls_model_config: config string for classification model to init, in json format """ det_model_path = glob( '%s/detection/*.pt*' % models_root_dir, recursive=True) assert (len(det_model_path) == 1) cls_model_path = glob( '%s/classification/*.pt*' % models_root_dir, recursive=True) assert (len(cls_model_path) == 1) self.det_predictor = TorchYoloXPredictor( det_model_path[0], max_det=max_det, model_config=det_model_config) self.cls_predictor = TorchClassifier( cls_model_path[0], model_config=cls_model_config) self.cls_score_thresh = cls_score_thresh
[docs] def predict(self, input_data_list, batch_size=-1): """ using session run predict a number of samples using batch_size Args: input_data_list: a list of numpy array(in rgb order), each array is a sample to be predicted batch_size: batch_size passed by the caller, you can also ignore this param and use a fixed number if you do not want to adjust batch_size in runtime Return: result: a list of dict, each dict is the prediction result of one sample eg, {"output1": value1, "output2": value2}, the value type can be python int str float, and numpy array """ results = self.det_predictor.predict( input_data_list, batch_size=batch_size) for img_idx, img in enumerate(input_data_list): detection_boxes = results[img_idx]['detection_boxes'] detection_classes = results[img_idx]['detection_classes'] detection_scores = results[img_idx]['detection_scores'] crop_img_batch = [] for idx in range(detection_boxes.shape[0]): xyxy = [int(a) for a in detection_boxes[idx]] cropImg = img[xyxy[1]:xyxy[3], xyxy[0]:xyxy[2]] crop_img_batch.append(cropImg) if len(crop_img_batch) > 0: cls_output = self.cls_predictor.predict( crop_img_batch, batch_size=32) else: cls_output = [] class_name_list = [] class_id_list = [] class_score_list = [] det_bboxes = [] product_count_dict = {} for idx in range(len(cls_output)): class_name = cls_output[idx]['class_name'][0] class_score = cls_output[idx]['class_probs'][class_name] if class_score < self.cls_score_thresh: continue if class_name not in product_count_dict: product_count_dict[class_name] = 1 else: product_count_dict[class_name] += 1 class_name_list.append(class_name) class_id_list.append(int(cls_output[idx]['class'][0])) class_score_list.append(class_score) det_bboxes.append([float(a) for a in detection_boxes[idx]]) results[img_idx].update({ 'detection_boxes': np.array(det_bboxes), 'detection_scores': class_score_list, 'detection_classes': class_id_list, 'detection_class_names': class_name_list, 'product_count': product_count_dict }) return results