Source code for easycv.utils.config_tools

import copy
import os.path as osp
import platform
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings
from importlib import import_module

from mmcv import Config, import_modules_from_strings

import easycv
from easycv.file import io
from easycv.framework.errors import IOError, KeyError, ValueError
from .user_config_params_utils import check_value_type

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    import regex as re
    import re

[docs]def traverse_replace(d, key, value): if isinstance(d, (dict, Config)): for k, v in d.items(): if k == key: d[k] = value else: traverse_replace(v, key, value) elif isinstance(d, (list, tuple, set)): for v in d: traverse_replace(v, key, value)
[docs]class WrapperConfig(Config): """A facility for config and config files. It supports common file formats as configs: python/json/yaml. The interface is the same as a dict object and also allows access config values as attributes. Example: >>> cfg = Config(dict(a=1, b=dict(b1=[0, 1]))) >>> cfg.a 1 >>> cfg.b {'b1': [0, 1]} >>> cfg.b.b1 [0, 1] >>> cfg = Config.fromfile('tests/data/config/') >>> cfg.filename "/home/kchen/projects/mmcv/tests/data/config/" >>> cfg.item4 'test' >>> cfg "Config [path: /home/kchen/projects/mmcv/tests/data/config/]: " "{'item1': [1, 2], 'item2': {'a': 0}, 'item3': True, 'item4': 'test'}" """ @staticmethod def _substitute_predefined_vars(filename, temp_config_name, first_order_params=None): """ Override Config._substitute_predefined_vars. Supports first-order parameter reuse to avoid rebuilding custom templates. Args: filename (str): Original script file. temp_config_name (str): Template script file. first_order_params (dict): first-order parameters. Returns: No return value. """ file_dirname = osp.dirname(filename) file_basename = osp.basename(filename) file_basename_no_extension = osp.splitext(file_basename)[0] file_extname = osp.splitext(filename)[1] support_templates = dict( fileDirname=file_dirname, fileBasename=file_basename, fileBasenameNoExtension=file_basename_no_extension, fileExtname=file_extname) with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: # Setting encoding explicitly to resolve coding issue on windows left_match, right_match = '{([', '])}' match_list = [] line_list = [] first_order_params_traced = None for line in f: # Push and pop control regular item matching if not line.strip().startswith('#'): for single_str in line: if single_str in left_match: match_list.append(single_str) if single_str in right_match: match_list.pop() match_length = len(match_list) key = line.split('=')[0].strip() # Check whether it is a first-order parameter if first_order_params_traced is None and len(key) > 0: first_order_params_traced = key if first_order_params_traced is not None: if first_order_params_traced in first_order_params: if match_length == 0: value = first_order_params[ first_order_params_traced] # repr() is used to convert the data into a string form (in the form of a Python expression) suitable for the interpreter to read line = ' '.join( [first_order_params_traced, '=', repr(value)]) + '\n' line_list.append(line) first_order_params_traced = None else: line_list.append(line) if match_length == 0: first_order_params_traced = None config_file = ''.join(line_list) for key, value in support_templates.items(): regexp = r'\{\{\s*' + str(key) + r'\s*\}\}' value = value.replace('\\', '/') config_file = re.sub(regexp, value, config_file) with open(temp_config_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as tmp_config_file: tmp_config_file.write(config_file)
[docs]def check_base_cfg_path(base_cfg_name='configs/', father_cfg_name=None, easycv_root=None): """ Concatenate paths by parsing path rules. for example(pseudo-code): 1. 'configs' in base_cfg_name or 'benchmarks' in base_cfg_name: base_cfg_name = easycv_root + base_cfg_name 2. 'configs' not in base_cfg_name and 'benchmarks' not in base_cfg_name: base_cfg_name = father_cfg_name + base_cfg_name """ parse_base_cfg = base_cfg_name.split('/') if parse_base_cfg[0] == 'configs' or parse_base_cfg[0] == 'benchmarks': if easycv_root is not None: base_cfg_name = osp.join(easycv_root, base_cfg_name) else: if father_cfg_name is not None: _parse_base_path_list = base_cfg_name.split('/') parse_base_path_list = copy.deepcopy(_parse_base_path_list) parse_ori_path_list = father_cfg_name.split('/') parse_ori_path_list.pop() for filename in _parse_base_path_list: if filename == '.': parse_base_path_list.pop(0) elif filename == '..': parse_base_path_list.pop(0) parse_ori_path_list.pop() else: break base_cfg_name = '/'.join(parse_ori_path_list + parse_base_path_list) return base_cfg_name
# Read config without __base__
[docs]def mmcv_file2dict_raw(filename, first_order_params=None): fileExtname = osp.splitext(filename)[1] if fileExtname not in ['.py', '.json', '.yaml', '.yml']: raise IOError('Only py/yml/yaml/json type are supported now!') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_config_dir: temp_config_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=temp_config_dir, suffix=fileExtname) if platform.system() == 'Windows': temp_config_file.close() temp_config_name = osp.basename( if first_order_params is not None: WrapperConfig._substitute_predefined_vars(filename,, first_order_params) else: Config._substitute_predefined_vars(filename, if filename.endswith('.py'): temp_module_name = osp.splitext(temp_config_name)[0] sys.path.insert(0, temp_config_dir) Config._validate_py_syntax(filename) mod = import_module(temp_module_name) sys.path.pop(0) cfg_dict = { name: value for name, value in mod.__dict__.items() if not name.startswith('__') } # delete imported module del sys.modules[temp_module_name] elif filename.endswith(('.yml', '.yaml', '.json')): import mmcv cfg_dict = mmcv.load( # close temp file temp_config_file.close() cfg_text = filename + '\n' with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: # Setting encoding explicitly to resolve coding issue on windows cfg_text += return cfg_dict, cfg_text
# Reac config with __base__
[docs]def mmcv_file2dict_base(ori_filename, first_order_params=None, easycv_root=None): cfg_dict, cfg_text = mmcv_file2dict_raw(ori_filename, first_order_params) BASE_KEY = '_base_' if BASE_KEY in cfg_dict: base_filename = cfg_dict.pop(BASE_KEY) base_filename = base_filename if isinstance(base_filename, list) else [base_filename] cfg_dict_list = list() cfg_text_list = list() for f in base_filename: base_cfg_path = check_base_cfg_path( f, ori_filename, easycv_root=easycv_root) _cfg_dict, _cfg_text = mmcv_file2dict_base( base_cfg_path, first_order_params, easycv_root=easycv_root) cfg_dict_list.append(_cfg_dict) cfg_text_list.append(_cfg_text) base_cfg_dict = dict() for c in cfg_dict_list: if len(base_cfg_dict.keys() & c.keys()) > 0: raise KeyError('Duplicate key is not allowed among bases') base_cfg_dict.update(c) base_cfg_dict = Config._merge_a_into_b(cfg_dict, base_cfg_dict) cfg_dict = base_cfg_dict # merge cfg_text cfg_text_list.append(cfg_text) cfg_text = '\n'.join(cfg_text_list) return cfg_dict, cfg_text
[docs]def grouping_params(user_config_params): first_order_params, multi_order_params = {}, {} for full_key, v in user_config_params.items(): key_list = full_key.split('.') if len(key_list) == 1: first_order_params[full_key] = v else: multi_order_params[full_key] = v return first_order_params, multi_order_params
[docs]def adapt_pai_params(cfg_dict): """ Args: cfg_dict (dict): All parameters of cfg. Returns: cfg_dict (dict): Add the cfg of export and oss. """ # oss config cfg_dict['oss_sync_config'] = dict( other_file_list=['**/events.out.tfevents*', '**/*log*']) cfg_dict['oss_io_config'] = dict( ak_id='your oss ak id', ak_secret='your oss ak secret', hosts='', buckets=['your_bucket_2']) return cfg_dict
[docs]def init_path(ori_filename): easycv_root = osp.dirname(easycv.__file__) # easycv package root path if not osp.exists(osp.join(easycv_root, 'configs')): if osp.exists(osp.join(osp.dirname(easycv_root), 'configs')): easycv_root = osp.dirname(easycv_root) else: raise ValueError('easycv root does not exist!') parse_ori_filename = ori_filename.split('/') if parse_ori_filename[0] == 'configs' or parse_ori_filename[ 0] == 'benchmarks': if osp.exists(osp.join(easycv_root, ori_filename)): ori_filename = osp.join(easycv_root, ori_filename) return ori_filename, easycv_root
# gen mmcv.Config
[docs]def mmcv_config_fromfile(ori_filename): ori_filename, easycv_root = init_path(ori_filename) cfg_dict, cfg_text = mmcv_file2dict_base( ori_filename, easycv_root=easycv_root) if cfg_dict.get('custom_imports', None): import_modules_from_strings(**cfg_dict['custom_imports']) return Config(cfg_dict, cfg_text=cfg_text, filename=ori_filename)
[docs]def pai_config_fromfile(ori_filename, user_config_params=None, model_type=None): ori_filename, easycv_root = init_path(ori_filename) if user_config_params is not None: # grouping params first_order_params, multi_order_params = grouping_params( user_config_params) else: first_order_params, multi_order_params = None, None # replace first-order parameters cfg_dict, cfg_text = mmcv_file2dict_base( ori_filename, first_order_params, easycv_root=easycv_root) # export config if cfg_dict.get('export', None) is None: cfg_dict['export'] = dict(export_neck=True) cfg_dict['checkpoint_sync_export'] = True # Add export and oss ​​related configuration to adapt to pai platform if model_type: cfg_dict = adapt_pai_params(cfg_dict) if cfg_dict.get('custom_imports', None): import_modules_from_strings(**cfg_dict['custom_imports']) cfg = Config(cfg_dict, cfg_text=cfg_text, filename=ori_filename) # replace multi-order parameters if multi_order_params: cfg.merge_from_dict(multi_order_params) return cfg
# get the true value for ori_key in cfg_dict
[docs]def get_config_class_value(cfg_dict, ori_key, dict_mem_helper): if ori_key in dict_mem_helper: return dict_mem_helper[ori_key] k_list = ori_key.split('.') t = cfg_dict for at_k in k_list: if isinstance(t, (list, tuple)): t = t[int(at_k)] else: t = t[at_k] dict_mem_helper[ori_key] = t return t
[docs]def config_dict_edit(ori_cfg_dict, cfg_dict, reg, dict_mem_helper): """ edit ${configs.variables} in config dict to solve dependicies in config ori_cfg_dict: to find the true value of ${configs.variables} cfg_dict: for find leafs of dict by recursive reg: Regular expression pattern for find all ${configs.variables} in leafs of dict dict_mem_helper: to store the true value of ${configs.variables} which have been found """ if isinstance(cfg_dict, dict): for key, value in cfg_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, str): var_set = set(reg.findall(value)) if len(var_set) > 0: n_value = value is_arithmetic_exp = True is_exp = True for var in var_set: # get the true value for ori_key in cfg_dict var_value = get_config_class_value( ori_cfg_dict, var[2:-1], dict_mem_helper) # while ${variables}, replace by true value directly if var == value: is_exp = False cfg_dict[key] = var_value break else: if isinstance(var_value, str): # str expression, like '${data_root_path}/images/' is_arithmetic_exp = False # arithmetic expression, like '-${img_size}//2' n_value = n_value.replace(var, str(var_value)) if is_exp: cfg_dict[key] = eval( n_value) if is_arithmetic_exp else n_value # recursively find the leafs of dict config_dict_edit(ori_cfg_dict, value, reg, dict_mem_helper) elif isinstance(cfg_dict, list): for i, value in enumerate(cfg_dict): if isinstance(value, dict): # recursively find the leafs of dict config_dict_edit(ori_cfg_dict, value, reg, dict_mem_helper) elif isinstance(value, list): # recursively find the leafs of list config_dict_edit(ori_cfg_dict, value, reg, dict_mem_helper) elif isinstance(value, str): var_set = set(reg.findall(value)) if len(var_set) > 0: n_value = value is_arithmetic_exp = True is_exp = True for var in var_set: # get the true value for ori_key in cfg_dict var_value = get_config_class_value( ori_cfg_dict, var[2:-1], dict_mem_helper) # while '${variables}', replace by true value directly if var == value: # is not an expression, directly replace is_exp = False cfg_dict[i] = var_value break else: # arithmetic expression if isinstance(var_value, str): # str expression, like '${data_root_path}/images/' is_arithmetic_exp = False # arithmetic expression, like '-${img_size}//2' n_value = n_value.replace(var, str(var_value)) if is_exp: cfg_dict[i] = eval( n_value) if is_arithmetic_exp else n_value
[docs]def rebuild_config(cfg, user_config_params): """ # rebuild config by user config params, modify config by user config params & replace ${configs.variables} by true value return: Config """ print(user_config_params) assert len(user_config_params ) % 2 == 0, 'user_config_params must be setted as --key value' new_text = cfg.text + '\n\n#user config params\n' for ori_args_k, args_v in zip(user_config_params[0::2], user_config_params[1::2]): assert ori_args_k.startswith('--') args_k = ori_args_k[2:] t = cfg attr_list = args_k.split('.') # find the location of key for at_k in attr_list[:-1]: if isinstance(t, (list, tuple)): try: t = t[int(at_k)] except: raise IndexError('%s is out of index' % at_k) else: try: t = getattr(t, at_k) except: raise KeyError('%s is not in dict' % at_k) # replace the value of key bey user config params if isinstance(t, (list, tuple)): # set value of list[index] # convert str_type to value_type formatted_v = check_value_type(args_v, t[int(attr_list[-1])]) try: t[int(attr_list[-1])] = formatted_v except: raise IndexError('%s is out of index' % attr_list[-1]) else: # set value of dict[map] # convert str_type to value_type formatted_v = check_value_type(args_v, getattr(t, attr_list[-1])) try: setattr(t, attr_list[-1], formatted_v) except: raise KeyError('set %s is error' % attr_list[-1]) new_text += '%s %s\n' % (ori_args_k, args_v) # reg example: '-${}+${}+${d.c}' reg = re.compile('\$\{[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*\}') dict_mem_helper = {} # edit ${configs.variables} in config dict to solve dependicies in config config_dict_edit(cfg._cfg_dict, cfg._cfg_dict, reg, dict_mem_helper) return Config( cfg_dict=cfg._cfg_dict, cfg_text=new_text, filename=cfg._filename)
# validate config for export, which may be from training config, disable pretrained
[docs]def validate_export_config(cfg): cfg_copy = copy.deepcopy(cfg) pretrained = getattr(cfg_copy.model, 'pretrained', None) if pretrained is not None: setattr(cfg_copy.model, 'pretrained', None) backbone = getattr(cfg_copy.model, 'backbone', None) if backbone is not None: pretrained = getattr(backbone, 'pretrained', None) if pretrained is not None: setattr(backbone, 'pretrained', False) return cfg_copy
CONFIG_TEMPLATE_ZOO = { # cls 'CLASSIFICATION_RESNET': 'configs/classification/imagenet/resnet/', 'CLASSIFICATION_RESNEXT': 'configs/classification/imagenet/resnext/', 'CLASSIFICATION_HRNET': 'configs/classification/imagenet/hrnet/', 'CLASSIFICATION_VIT': 'configs/classification/imagenet/vit/', 'CLASSIFICATION_SWINT': 'configs/classification/imagenet/swint/', 'CLASSIFICATION_M0BILENET': 'configs/classification/imagenet/mobilenet/', # metric learning 'METRICLEARNING': 'configs/metric_learning/', 'MODELPARALLEL_METRICLEARNING': 'configs/metric_learning/', # detection 'YOLOX': 'configs/config_templates/', 'YOLOX_ITAG': 'configs/config_templates/', 'YOLOX_ITAG_EASY': 'configs/detection/yolox/', 'YOLOX_COCO_EASY': 'configs/detection/yolox/', 'FCOS_ITAG_EASY': 'configs/detection/fcos/', 'FCOS_COCO_EASY': 'configs/detection/fcos/', # segmentation 'FCN_SEG': 'configs/segmentation/fcn/', 'UPERNET_SEG': 'configs/segmentation/upernet/', 'SEGFORMER_SEG': 'configs/segmentation/segformer/', # ssl 'MOCO_R50_TFRECORD': 'configs/config_templates/', 'MOCO_R50_TFRECORD_OSS': 'configs/config_templates/', 'MOCO_TIMM_TFRECORD': 'configs/config_templates/', 'MOCO_TIMM_TFRECORD_OSS': 'configs/config_templates/', 'SWAV_R50_TFRECORD': 'configs/config_templates/', 'SWAV_R50_TFRECORD_OSS': 'configs/config_templates/', 'MOBY_TIMM_TFRECORD_OSS': 'configs/config_templates/', 'DINO_TIMM': 'configs/config_templates/', 'DINO_TIMM_TFRECORD_OSS': 'configs/config_templates/', 'DINO_R50_TFRECORD_OSS': 'configs/config_templates/', 'MAE': 'configs/config_templates/', # edge models 'YOLOX_EDGE': 'configs/config_templates/', 'YOLOX_EDGE_ITAG': 'configs/config_templates/', # pose 'TOPDOWN_HRNET': 'configs/config_templates/', 'TOPDOWN_LITEHRNET': 'configs/config_templates/', # video_classification 'X3D_XS': 'configs/video_recognition/x3d/', 'X3D_M': 'configs/video_recognition/x3d/', 'X3D_L': 'configs/video_recognition/x3d/', 'VIDEO_SWIN_T': 'configs/video_recognition/swin/', 'VIDEO_SWIN_S': 'configs/video_recognition/swin/', 'VIDEO_SWIN_B': 'configs/video_recognition/swin/', 'SWIN_BERT': 'configs/video_recognition/clipbert/', }